The Stick In My Hand

18 1 0

Athena's POV

We were on the last week of the holiday and we were making the most of it. We'd seen the lads loads but they had gone back to school.

We decided to go swimming for the afternoon, we packed up our costumes, towels and wash things. I called a taxi and it took us to the local swimming baths. We climbed out, paid the driver and headed inside. I got changed into my turquoise two-piece and I met the girls by the lockers. Me and Kylie got a shared locker and then we walked to the pool.

At first we practiced some diving and that took us half an hour. Then we had races of different strikes and that took us an hour. I won 4 of the 13 races. It got to half four and we decided to leave. We got showered and changed.

On the way back we headed to a local supermarket to pick up some stuff. Rachelle headed off by herself whilst me and Kylie went off and Emma and Danielle went together. We met up outside the shop and then we caught the bus home.

When we were home, we all decided to pack as we were going back to school the next day, two days early, to prepare. I was packing my clothes up and it only took me an hour.

We all decided to have a break so we watched a movie. We watched A Nightmare On Elm Street, it was one of Danielle's favourite scary movies which she'd been begging us to watch for ages. It was actually really scary and freaked us all out.

It was seven o'clock and we carried on packing. I went to pack up the majority of my toiletries. I went to put a shampoo in the bottle when I found a pregnancy test. I picked it up (using tissues) and stared at it. Sitting there on the screen was a little pink cross. I knew it couldn't have been Emma's seeing as she knows she's pregnant, she wouldn't take another test. I walked out of the bathroom, stunned.

"What's up, Athena?" asked Emma.

"I found this!" I said as I held up the test.

"OMG!" shouted Kylie.

At that point, Dani and Rachelle came rushing in.

"Ok, who's is it?" I asked.

Everyone was silent.

"WELL?!?!?!?!?" I bellowed.

Rachelle eventually raised her hand, "It's mine." she said.

"What does it say?" Danielle asked.

"It's positive," I explained.

Rachelle sighed.

"Who's baby is it?" Danielle asked and turned to Rachelle.

"It's mine, and only mine. There is no dad in the picture." Rachelle explained.

"Is it Carwyn?" Emma questioned.

"I don't want to talk about it guys. I'm pregnant and that's that!" she said as she stormed into her room.

"Well then............" Kylie started.

I just stood there, with the stick in my hand!


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