The Boxes In The Van

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Danielle's POV

Sooooooo my mum and dad told me everything. No matter how much I protested my parents said I was going no matter what. I, well we all were, allowed 2 weeks off school, well I guess we technically didn't attend Horley High School anymore but oh well. We all went on kik on the day we got the calls (we all got the calls on the same day and with in like an hour of each other).

I only had a week left before I had to drive up to Llangors in the east of Wales! My mum was making me pack although I had been putting it off for ages now. I packed my clothes into bin bags (I know, classy. But that way they weren't in boxes and I knew where they were. My mum packed up my Doctor Who stuff, she wanted to make my dorm as 'homey' as possible (& yes, I'm a Doctor Who freak).

"Dan, get your butt down here now!" my mum yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Which one?" me and my dad (he's called Daniel/Dan) said in unison.

"Both!" she yelled back. I shrugged and walked down the corridor to the stairs (my room's the one right at the very back of the house". I bounced down the stairs and jumped over the baby gate. We don't have a baby, we just have a 1year old labradoodle who tears up anything and everything.

"What?" I said bitterly. "I still have packing to doooo, YAY!" I cheered sarcastically with my arms in the air.

"And whose fault is that?" she said. I smiled back sarcastically.

"Right then........" my dad said slapping his hands together. "Me and your mum have----" he said before he got cut off by my mum.

"Honey, can I?"

"Sure sure, I mean if you want I just thou---"

"Will one of you just tell me, I don't want anymore secrets if you don't mind!"

"Fine." said mum. "Me and your dad just wanted to give you these..........."

My dad held out a scarf. "Now it may not look like much but-----"

"But, this is the scarf worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in BBC Sherlock!!!!!!!!!!!!" I squealed for like 5mins. "OMG!!!!!!!!! This must have cost a bomb!"

"Well, it's worth it for my princess!" my dad said in a stupid voice.

"Dad!" I said hitting him in the side. "I'm not your princess!"

"No, you're right. Your my fairy princess!" he said in his stupid silly voice again. He knew I hates it when he called me his fairy princess (which was all the time) because I'm a total tomboy. I cant stand pink, fluffy things(unless its an awesome teddy bear), frilly things or girly things. So saying that really pushes all my buttons.

I put the scarf on and me and my parents loaded my boxes into the removal van. Me and the girls decided to split the money on one, get it to drive there and we would all get there separately (except Kylie was taking me and my dad as we don't have a car). I was just finishing putting the last box in the back when my little brother Joshua came running up. He said 'Where are you going' to me in sign language with some noises which i couldn't understand (he's partially deaf with speech and language problems so we all learn sign). I told him i was going away for a bit 'On holiday?' he asked, again in sign. I told him yes as it was easier for him to understand.

He gave me a kiss goodbye and walked over to my mum. I hugged my mum and said goodbye, she told me to text her everyday, or at least every other day. Me and dad got into the removal van. The man drove us to Kylie's house so he could pick up her stuff and so me and my dad could meet Kylie and her mum Eleanor so we could get to Rosewood Academy.

"Are you sorted?" she asked me when we arrived.

"I guess, the boxes are in the van." I said shrugging the question off.

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