Chapter 14

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Alli and I managed to catchup with Jake and Cody and as soon as we got there Cody entwined his fingers in mine and we walked into the restaraunt.

He lead me into a table and pulled out my chair for me. Jake did the same to Alli next to me and we sat down. Jake and Cody went round and sat opposite us. 

"Umm?" Alli looked at me.

I looked puzzeled and she said "Shall I ask now?" 

I nodded. She looked at Jake and then at Cody and said "Well, Soph and I have been thinking... when's the time to go official/public?" 

I turned my head and I heard Cody say "Whenever you girls feel comfortable." I looked back at him and said "The only thing I'm worried about is your fans hating on me, and you guys" I said pointing to Jake and Alli, "People on twitter have been shipping you two for months." I said.

"If they're Cody's real fans they will be happy for you." Jake guy said and Alli exclaimed "I said that, she doesn't believe me."  

Cody looked at me. "Angel, it's exactly true, if I lose fans for being with you, they're were never my fans in the first place." 

I felt better about it and Alli said. "I think we should both go public soon, not like next week but not too far." I looked at Jake who was agreeing with Alli and I looked at Cody who gave me a reasurring smile. "Okay then." I said and I saw Cody's eyes light up. "But Cody, I have one more question to ask you. When you dated Stella, you kept the whole relationship a secret."

"She wasn't as special to me as you are. You are so much more special to me than she ever would be."

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