Chapter 2

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I had a great last night with Alli, I missed having my best friend. I had planned for the six of us to go down to the beach today and was ringing Cody's mobile to tell him.

After two rings, he picked up.

"Hi Cody, it's Sophie..." I began.

"I know angel, he said sweetly. So how may I be of assistance to you?"

"Such a gentlemen," I joked.

"But anyway, are you guys coming to the beach with us in 10 minutes, Ruby and Giorgia are coming,"

I could hear mumbling from Cody's side.

"Yeah, Angel....." he was cut off by Jake.

"Is Alli coming?" Jake asked.

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"uh no reason." he replied.

"Save it Jake, I know."

I heard nothing but silence.

"Okay, see you at the beach Angel." Cody said trying to break the tension

I hung up. This was strange. Why did he keep calling me Angel?

I just stood there thinking about Cody when Alli came in the room.

"So are they coming?" She said.

"Yeah they are, and that means Jake is coming" I smirked and I couldn't help but notice that an instant smile had appeared on Alli's face as I had said Jake's name.

"So, we better get going, and we're picking up Ruby and Giorgia on the way, come on let's go." I said as we were already half way to the front door by now anyway.

We started walking and I thought now would be a good time to ask Alli about Jake.

"So, what's with you and Jake?"

"Nothing, he's just really nice to me and he's lovely and gorgeous and I think I feel the same way about him as you do about Cody." she replied.

"Look Alli, I will not even go for Cody if it's not okay with you. I don't want to lose my best friend. "

She smiled, it's okay I think you guys would make a really cute couple."

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