Chapter 1

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Well it all started when Alli text me saying "What up girl? Guess what, Cody and I are coming to Australia next week for a whole MONTH!!!! xxx"

I text her back "Oh my god, it's going to be so fun, we can hang out as a six again!!! xxx"

We talked for about half an hour when I realized it was really late. I text Alli telling her I was going to sleep and she replied "Okay night. Time difference. ;) xxx"

I smiled and fell asleep.

I had this really weird dream.

The dream was that Alli and Cody came back and when I saw them I had a really weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Cody smiled at me and I went weak at the knees when he hugged me which caused me to fall into his arms.

I woke up feeling rather strange but shook it to the back of my mind.


I woke up on the day that Cody and Alli were coming here after having the same dream about Cody everyday since I had the first one.

Did this mean I had feelings for him, of course not. It was just that I was looking forward to seeing Alli and him.

When we got to the airport, Alli would be staying with me, I was excited to see my best friend for the first time in months.

When I saw two people with blonde hair I ran up to them and gave Alli a hug. When we parted I turned to give Cody a hug, and he smiled as he hugged me tight close to his body.

I broke it up before I collapsed into his arms like I did in my dream.

"Hey Alli, hey Cody, how've you been?" I said trying to break the tension between Cody and I.

"Good thanks, what about you?" Cody said.

"Yeah, I'm good thanks too, so yeah how are you?" Alli said.

"Oh I'm good thanks too." I said. "I invited Ruby, Jake and Giorgia out for a meal with us tonight"

"That sounds, fun. " Cody agreed.

And by now I could tell he had felt something just like I had in our hug and Alli was completely oblivious to it.

We got in the car and drove Cody to Jake's as he was staying there and then Alli and I were driven home by my mum.

When we got to my house I helped Alli get her bags up to my room and then sat quickly on my bed.

"What's wrong?" she asked me and I think she could tell I was getting nervous.

"Okay, Alli, I need to tell you something, and you have to promise not to tell anyone, not even Ruby!"

"Wow, this must be serious, if I can't even tell Ruby. But I promise." she replied.

I told her about my dream.

"What does it mean Alli?" I asked.

"I don't know, do you have feelings for Cody then?

"Well when I hugged him at the airport, he was squeezing me really, tight, like he'd really missed me." I told her.

"Well, I'm not sure about, him but I do know two things, one is that he has a crush and he was telling Toby about her when he came to visit. And secondly I could ask him." she finished.

"No, Alli, please don't ask him, you can't tell anyone."


"I think I have feelings for her." I said.

"So.. How do you know, I mean, you have to be sure." Jake asked me.

"I don't know, I've just been thinking about her constantly and when she hugged me at the airport, I just didn't want to let her go."


"I think she likes me back as well." I said cutting Jake off. "But how could I find out?"

"what I was going, to say, is why don't you tell Alli, and get her to find out?"

"why does everything I tell you about have to invole Alli?" I said.

"umm she's a smart, classy, girl. She could help you." he said.

"please, you so want her."

He smiled.

"you know what, you seem, pretty keen on the idea of me asking Alli, I'll ask her, if you ask her out, we all know you want her." I said.

"ummm, no, she doesn't like me in that way." he said.

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