Chapter 11

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Byte he time I got home, Alli was already there, she looked upset. "What's up?" I asked her.

"Did, did you hear about what happened to Cody?" she said.

"No, what's wrong with him then?" I asked.

"He had a pretty bad panic attack." she said.

My anger at him ebbed away, "OH MY GOD, IS HE OKAY?" I asked.


I picked up my phone and was about to diall when I remembered we broke up.

"What's wrong?" Alli asked

"Oh, we broke up." I said simply.


I phoned Alli who answered straight away.

"Jake, did you know Cody and Sophie broke up?" she asked me.

"Yes and I have a plan to get them back together. Cody wants her back. So bad. Just be down at the beach in 15 minutes." I said.

"But Jake...,"

I hung up.

"Cody, come on, let's get ready." and I saw him sorting out his hair.

"Are you sure this is going to work? He asked me.

"No idea, but we have to try," I said.


Apparently Alli and I were going to the beach at 10pm. We got there and it was dark. 

"Hello?" Alli yelled and we saw Jake appear and take Alli by the hand leaving me alone. It was all silent until....

Darling, I know your hearts seen better times,....."

Cody was singing.

I listened and he got closer towards me.

He carried on singing the song he was nearly finished.

He took my hands.  

"I believe in us, don't give up on me......"

He was staring into My eyes for the rest of the song.

"I'm sorry Angel."

"No, you shouldn't be, it's my fault.

"No, it's mine." he said and I went and hugged him. I had my hands round his neck and he had his arms round my waist.

It was the most amazing hug.

"Angel will you be my girlfriend?" he said.

"Yes. I will." I said and he lent down and kissed me, fireworks flew, it was even better than our first kiss. I could feel him smiling.

We broke apart and he said. "There's something I've always wanted to do for a girl. And I want to do it for you most, come on." He took my hand.

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