My Hero

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POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING!!!!! Based on a Harry Potter AU (sorta)

Just so you know:
A ~ Alec
M ~ Magnus
C ~ Clary
S ~ Simon
J ~ Jace
I ~ Izzy
Ca ~ Cat

Izzy's POV
"Alec? Alec?!" I asked, impatiently. "What?!" Alec replied, rolling his eyes.
"I need help with my math"
"You always need help with your math, ask Jace or Clary to help you this time"
"But, you're the smartest"
"Izzy, I'm serious"
"Okay, whatever"
"Ms. Loss, you can't keep showing up late. It's your senior year," Mr. Morgenstern spoke. "Sorry, I was catching up with Magnus," Cat replied. My eyes turned to Alec who was frowning, but his heart was also beating fast. Two years ago, he tried asking out Magnus who humiliated him and turned him down rather cruelly. Magnus Bane, the most popular student of Starburst University for his creativity.

Alec's POV
Magnus, my crush since the day I first noticed him. When I finally got the courage to ask him out two years ago, I got humiliated and turned down cruelly.

"Hi," I spoke. Magnus didn't even look up from his book as he spoke. "Do I know you?" He asked.
"Yeah, I mean kinda. I sit beside you in Chemistry"
"Right. Azalea, correct?"
"Whatever. What do you want exactly?"
"I, um was wondering if you would join me for dinner?"
"No. Azalea, I'm sorry but I'm not gay. Even if I was, I wouldn't date you. Don't ask me out again, okay? Or I'll end you"
Magnus rolled his eyes as I just stood there awkwardly. I didn't move until after Magnus's fist connected to my face, making me fall back. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" Magnus asked, smirking while everyone else laughed. That day, I was known as a crybaby since I ran out crying until I changed my identity.

End of flashback

Alec's POV
"And where's Mr. Bane?" Mr. Morgenstern asked. "I'm here!" Magnus answered, out of breath.
"Late again"
"My makeup took longer than I thought it would"
"You're excused"
Izzy rolled her eyes. If she came in late because of makeup problems, she would immediately have a tardy. "You're Isabelle!" Cat exclaimed. "Cat, don't talk to her. Her creativity might be good, but it's not magnificent," Magnus spoke. "Well, I'm sorry if I'm not as popular as you are," Izzy replied, annoyed.
"Just work on your foundation and you'll be fine"
"Well, thank you?"
"No problem"
"You're Alec, right?" Cat asked. "You know my name?" I asked, surprised.
"Um yeah. Who wouldn't know your name? Anyway, I was wondering if you would help me with IB Chemistry?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Thank you! Here, have my number"

New message from ##########:
Hi, it's Cat

"Got it, thank you," I spoke. "Would your partner be okay with you helping me?" Cat asked.
"I'm sure she won't mind"
"She's your girlfriend?"
"Um, no"
Izzy chuckled quietly enough that I was the only one who heard it. "Are you single?" Cat asked, curiously. "Yeah..." I replied, awkwardly. "Cat, leave the poor boy alone. We don't give advice to nobodies," Magnus smirked. "What? I like him," Cat shrugged.
"I bet you a thousand bucks that he's gay"
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize everyone has to do what you tell them to do. Just because I'm not popular doesn't mean you can be a d*ck," I hissed. "Do I know you from somewhere?" Magnus replied.
"This is the first time we met, so no"
"I don't think so"
"It's true"
"No, it's not and you know it. You're the one who asked me out sophomore year. I think you need to work on that stupid disguise"
Magnus just rolled his eyes before walking to his desk. "Never mind, I don't need your help. Do you cry often, crybaby?" Cat laughed. "Cat, leave him alone! It was two years ago. You don't have to bully him, you know?!" Magnus snapped, making me shocked.

C: Hey Alec

J: I heard you were the crybaby sophomore year. I'm going to kick your ass tomorrow, so be ready

S: I never would've been friends with you if I knew you were the crybaby. I'm going to help Jace tomorrow

Alec's POV
Ever since the truth came out, I kept losing all of my friends except Izzy and Clary. "Alec.." Izzy sighed. "I lost everyone, Izzy," I spoke.
"You didn't lose me or Clary"
"You know what I mean. Izzy, you're my sister and Clary is your best friend"
"I'm sorry, okay?"

Ca: HA, I got all of Alec's friends to leave him

Ca: It's what the crybaby deserves

Ca: Magnus


Ca: What? It's funny

M: No, it's not. If you think bullying someone is funny, you're sick

Ca: It's what he deserves, Magnus

M: Oh, really? Just because his dad left him after finding out his sexuality or his mom is in prison?

Ca: Yes

M: You're out

Ca: What? You need me!

M: No, I don't. If you truly believe that he deserves to be bullied, I can't be friends with you anymore

Ca: You punched him sophomore year!!!

M: That was an accident, thank you. Do you ever think Alec only cried because he is too sensitive?

Izzy's POV
"Alec, you okay?" I asked, knocking on his door. "I'm fine!" Alec yelled in pain.
"Um, there's someone here who wants to see you..."
"Who, Clary?"
"Actually, your crush?"
"Fine, let him in"

Alec's POV
The awkward silence was difficult to manage. "So... are you here to make fun of me?" I asked, breaking the silence. "No. Actually, I came here to apologize," Magnus replied.
"You, apologize? Is this a joke? You hate me"
"I don't hate you.."
"Then what is it?!"
"So, you do know my name! Why-"
"I like you, okay! No, scratch that, I love you. I'm just not good with expressing my feelings, especially with a boy... please forgive me and be my boyfriend?"
I just sat on my bed, shocked. Magnus looked like he was on the verge of tears, so I did what I had to do. I ran up and kissed him passionately on the lips. In response and shock, Magnus kissed me back. We continued kissing until I fell on my bed. Breaking the kiss for air, I finally got my voice back. "I love you too, Magnus," I whispered before kissing him again.

A/N: I edited this particular one-shot because I didn't like the ending of it and some of the content it has

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora