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Alec's POV
I honestly hated going to downtown Brooklyn just to see Eric D'Matthews, a warlock, who was the only one to reply to my fire message excluding Catarina and Sophie Lauren. Magnus didn't even bother replying as he was still mad at me for betraying him. I sighed getting off the subway and slowly walked to Eric's house which ended up being a huge mistake. Magnus was outside his apartment kissing a girl passionately on the lips as if there was no one else around so I ended up walking faster to Eric's who answered immediately. "Ariel!" Eric yelled. The girl, Ariel, looked up and smiled gently at Eric. "Eric!" Ariel yelled running up to him. Magnus sighed and stayed close behind slightly staring at Ariel and myself. Eric grinned. "Alec, when do we get started?" Eric asked. "Now," I replied with annoyance in my voice making Eric frown.
"What's made you so grumpy?"
"Oh, nothing that should concern you unless you really paid attention to my message"
"What part?"
I just stared at him in shock not knowing what to say. Eric actually paid attention to the message as did Catarina but he was the only one to read the entire thing. "The part that vampires are after you? Or the part that your parabatai was accidentally murdered by your sister?" Eric asked. "Vampires are after you? What did you do? Destroy their property?" Ariel snickered but shut up as I sent her a glare. "What I did isn't... important anymore," I spoke with hesitation in my voice. Eric gave a reassuring smile and I shook my head. "I believe we should go," Eric announced and strode off. I sighed and followed only to get stopped by Magnus who looked at me concerned for a moment before letting go of my arm.

Alec's fire message

Dear Eric, Catarina, Sophie, and Magnus
I'm afraid there will be another war with the downworld and I need to confirm that all of you will fight with us. That includes you, Magnus. The vampires are currently after me due to an incident that happened when I confronted one of the darkened who was after me from the very start. This vampire who I won't address but I'm sure at least one of you, most likely Magnus, will find out immediately asked me a question that could kill an immortal -yes, it was the question that strips immortality which I would never consider- and was forced to say no. My life was ruined because of her and I wished we would've never came face to face as I was threatened to keep meeting up with her. I lost my soulmate -yes, I mean you, Magnus- because of her as she lied that I would take away his immortality which I knew that it could possibly kill him and would never ever change who he is because his immortality makes him special. Also, my parabatai has been accidentally murdered by my sister who was possessed by a demon but since there is no proof she has earned the death sentence and has requested a warlock to be her defender. Please reply as soon as you can.

The head of the Institute,
Alexander Gideon Lightwood

Ps. If you read this, Magnus, I hope you know I'm sorry for what you think I did but I would never ever do that to you, I could never betray you. I hope you decide to forgive me and give me another chance because I'm miserable without you in my life. I love you. If you need time, I'll be more than willing to give you all the time you need since I'm now half warlock and immortal.

Alec's POV
I grumbled as I heard the knock on my bedroom door. "I'm coming!" I mumbled and opened the door. "Magnus?" I asked. Magnus looked up at me. "Alexander, can I... come in?" He asked with hesitation.
Magnus entered without a word and looked around. "Did you need something?" I asked, breaking the silence. "I... want you to know I read your message," Magnus hesitated.
"I wanted to tell you yes in person and-"
"I'm glad you're not going to bail on us, Magnus. I was worried that you wouldn't fight with us since you're mad at me and everything"
"Alexander, I... forgive you"
I just stared at him in confusion before I realized. "You.. read everything?" I asked. "Yeah..," Magnus answered before kissing me softly on the lips. I pulled away immediately. Magnus looked at me in confusion.
"Aren't you.. taken?"
"Magnus, I saw you kissing Ariel!"
Magnus stared at me before bursting out laughing. I glanced confused. "Ariel... kissed me, Alexander. She's dating Eric," Magnus said through escapes of laughter. "I-" I started but was caught off by Magnus's lips on mine making me smile against the kiss and kissed him back. The next thing I knew, clothes was discarded as we made it to the bed.

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