No One Said It Was Easy

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Alec's POV
My tears kept falling as I dropped to my knees on the ground in Central Park. I just got out of a very bad relationship which I struggled to get out of earlier and what he did to me was unforgivable. I was glamoured so no one would see me because I wanted to be alone. Besides, I didn't want them to witness me crying. "Sir, are you alright?" A female voice asked making me jump. "You can see me?" I asked making her nod.
"Sophie Lauren, warlock"
"That explains it. To answer your question, no I'm not"
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"No. I just want to be alone"
"You need comfort. Come on, I know someone who can help you"
"I'm fine"
Sophie shook her head. "Comfort will help you," she replied simply before taking me by the wrist pulling me to the place where the person lived.

Time skip

Sophie's POV
"Magnus, open up for your sister won't you?!" I yelled through the buzzer. "I'm busy Sophie!" Magnus yelled back.
"Someone needs comfort!"
I looked back at the shadowhunter who clearly didn't want to be here but I had no idea why. "What's your name?" I asked quietly. "Like I said, I don't want comfort," the male answered. "Sophie answer me!" Magnus yelled. "He won't tell me his name!" I yelled back. Silence. "It's open Sophie," Magnus yelled. I blinked confused before taking the steps to the loft where Magnus was waiting for us. "I didn't even gave you a name?" I asked. "You didn't have to. Sophie you should leave," Magnus stated while staring at the shadowhunters eyes. I nodded and walked out gently pushing the shadowhunter closer to the entrance.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
"This should help," I spoke handing a cup of tea to Alec. Alec stayed quiet not bothering to take it. It was obvious that he didn't really want comfort but I knew it would help him. "Alexander, what happened?" I started trying to get a conversation going. "I don't want to talk about it. I don't even want comfort," Alec mumbled.
"It will help you"
"I don't want help!"
"Alexander please tell me what happened"
"I can't"
I sighed glancing at the door that was locked with magic preventing Alec from leaving. I wondered if I should allow Alec to leave but he probably wouldn't leave anyway. "Alexander, I know this is hard but please talk to me. I can help you," I tried. Alec stared at me for a few minutes before taking a deep breath. "I just got out of a very bad relationship," he spoke simply. I looked at him sadly before pulling him closer to me and wrapped my arms around him giving Alec the comfort he needs. Instantly, he started crying getting my torso all wet but I didn't care. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked while rubbing his back. "No. I need to forget what he did to me," Alec managed to say through his tears.

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