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Alec's POV
I sighed glancing at the door before being shoved out of the way. "Hey!" I yelled making the person turn around and smirk. "Hi, Alec," he replied.
"That's right, you stupid loser. I own this school now and you just happen to be one of my victims"
"Why don't you just leave me alone?"
"I'll leave you alone when you return normal"
Sebastian laughed pushing me down the stairs making me land on the hard concrete. Great, not only my ex boyfriend is most likely going to torment me but also my middle school bully will make sure to make my life miserable. "Need some help Lightwood?" Camille Belcourt laughed kicking me in the sides. "Enough Camille. He seems hurt enough," Magnus spoke giving me a glare.
"Consider yourself lucky, Alec"
"You don't scare me Camille," I hissed pulling myself up. "Maybe not but your ex probably scares you," Camille growled shoving me. "Go Camille. I'll take care of it," Magnus smirked.
"Good luck, Lightwood"
Magnus laughed coming closer to me before grabbing my wrists and dragged me somewhere more private. "Do whatever you want to me. You don't scare me and never will," I growled as I was trapped against a wall. "Really? You look really scared right now," Magnus whispered in my ear before pushing me down making me slide to the ground. My heart was beating fast because I had no idea what my ex would do to me after blindly returning to Camille who would never be the right person for him. When he's with Camille, he's influenced to be a bully and usually ends up targeting me until he actually fell for me that is. Even then, I was still targeted by Camille because I took her boyfriend away from her. "You're not a bully Magnus," I argued as I was being kicked. "Ha! You think you know me?!" Magnus growled kneeling in front of me and grabbed my chin with his hand forcing me to look at him.
"I do know you. You want to be a fashionista and make good friends. You won't get that if you become like Camille"
"You know NOTHING!"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now