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Alec's POV
Oh, how much I love the rain. Every time there was rain, I usually got a call from Izzy or Jace saying I had the day off while they were out fighting demons if needed. Magnus's clients would even cancel if they were coming to the apartment but he would always take the day off no matter what. I sighed happily before flipping over to watch Magnus sleep making me smile. His makeup was gone and his lips would always form a tiny smile while his chest would rise slowly making it very easy to get distracted. Smiling, I kissed Magnus's forehead before getting up slowly to make breakfast. Strong arms wrapped around my waist tightly making my smile grow. "Good morning," I moaned feeling Magnus's lips on my neck. "Forget breakfast. I want you," Magnus managed to say.
"You know you want it"
I sighed turning off the oven. "Tell me why I love you again," I teased. "No teasing Alexander," Magnus scowled grabbing my wrist and pulled me to our bedroom. Immediately, I was thrown on the bed and less than 2 seconds I was bonded to the bedpost.
"So what if I tease?"
"Stop talking or I might just have to punish you"
My eyes widened before a smirk appeared on my face. "What's stopping you? Punish me daddy," I spoke. "I'm going to make sure you enjoy this. By the time I'm done with you, you'll forget how to walk," Magnus smirked.
"I don't believe that"
"Well I guess I'm just going to have prove that to you"
"Is that a challenge?"
Magnus smirked walking closer to me before pouncing and snapped his fingers to remove my clothes. "I guess it is," Magnus whispered seductively before starting his work.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now