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Alec's POV
"Fix it," Maryse repeated. Her words were in my mind the entire day and I couldn't do anything to actually fix it. "How you doing?" Izzy asked. "Terrible. Mom wants me to fix something I can't fix and it's driving me insane," I complained. "People are hungry here!" Jace shouted. "We're not going to dinner until Alec fixes this!" Maryse yelled. "How do you fix something you can't fix?" Magnus sighed making Izzy and I jump. "What are you doing in here?" Izzy asked.
"What? I was getting tired of Jace and Maryse fighting so I came here"
"Please tell me you have something!" Maryse yelled. "I can't fix it, mom!" I screamed.
"Don't scream, Alexander"
"I heard screaming and his actual name, who do I need to kill?" Peter dramatically asked. "Peter, you're here," I spoke, surprised. "Shouldn't you be working and not being with your boyfriend?" Maryse asked, annoyed. Izzy and I both rolled my eyes.
"One, how many times do I have to tell you Peter and I aren't dating? Two, Peter's already married. Three, he's straight. Four, it's Alec. And finally, I can't fix this vampire business because she's dead, literally, and she hates me"
"For what, Ale- Alec?"
I just stared at her and didn't dare answer. "Can't we just go to dinner already?" Jace complained. "No," Maryse shouted. "Stop yelling!" Magnus yelled.
"Stay out of this, warlock!"
"You're not going to solve anything with fighting"
"Mom, Alec can't fix the problem. Just deal with it," Izzy sighed. "No! Alec, which vampire did you just have to offend?" Maryse asked, coldly. "I.... why is that so important?" I asked.
"Just tell me!"
"That's enough! You're scaring him," Peter shouted. "Peter, don't," I sighed. "Stay out of this!" Maryse yelled.
"He's right actually"
"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, tell me or you're grounded!"
"You can't ground a 19 year old, mom!"
"You're banned from missions?"
"Nope, you can't do that either," Jace chuckled. "There will be-" Maryse started. "The head vampire," I spoke.
"She's alive..?"
"Not Elizabeth, mom!"
"And your reason?"
"She was threatening me"
"We were the only ones who knew," Izzy admitted. "I still don't know how you found out, but whatever," I responded. "You know you could've told them," Maryse spat.
"I couldn't, mom!"
"Then you should've ignored her"
"And allow her to do what she wanted?! I'm not that type of person, mom! Unlike you, I don't go killing innocents"
"Alexander Gideon Lightwood!"
"Enough!" Magnus growled. "The warlock is still here?" Maryse laughed.
"I don't have time for this, I should leave"
"Oh, hell no. You're here to help and you will"
"I accepted since I was the only one available"
"Can we just worry about the problem here?" Izzy argued. "We have to fix it, Alec," Maryse sighed. "And how do you expect us to do that?" I asked, calmly.
"Just figure it out"
"It's nearly impossible"
"Alec does have a point. The only vampire that we all trust is-" Jace started. "Lily," I interrupted.
"We're that friendship now?"
"Shut up, Jace"
"Aww, you're all cute," Elizabeth hissed. "Elizabeth, what a non pleasant surprise," I spoke, rolling my eyes.
"Oh, Alexander. You should know better than not to mess with the head vampire. It ended up terribly the last time, didn't it?"
"You little-!" Jace shouted. "Jonathan Christopher Herondale!" Maryse yelled. "No words? Let me make this straight: attack us or your family will die," Elizabeth threatened. "You don't scare me. That's the same threat as before and I don't understand," I snapped.
"Ugh, don't you ever listen straight? I told you very clearly and you still don't understand?!"
"Honey, if you don't know already, Alec is gay. He doesn't do anything straight," Peter laughed. "You know the threat, Lightwood!" Elizabeth growled.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now