Rivals Part 3

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This is the flashback of why Magnus and Alec became rivals... I recommend some tissues tbh

Alec's POV
"Come on, Alec! It's Clary's birthday!" Izzy yelled as she kept handing me clothes. "I look ridiculous!" I argued.
"It's fine! Just put the last part on!"
"Ugh, fine"
"A little birdie told me you were running late," Magnus smirked as he walked in my room. "Magnus!" I chuckled.
"Miss me, Alexander?"
"Of course! Who dare wouldn't?!"

At the party

Alec's POV
"Alec!" Clary screamed while running to my side. "Yes, Clarissa?" I asked.
"Since when did you start calling me Clarissa? Anyway, you're late"
"Oh, I'm so sorry. How should I make it up to you?!"
"By asking Magnus out"
"You heard me. I know you like him"
"I don't like him"
"Right. You're in love with him"
"What? That's ridiculous"
"What's ridiculous?" Magnus asked, suddenly appearing at my side. "Nothing," I lied.
"Any reason why you're lying, Alexander?"
"It's nothing you need to know, I assure you"
"Okay, Alexander"
Clary raised her eyebrows before leaving us alone. "I'm all for parties but let's say we get out of here?" Magnus offered. "I'd love to but I really want to stay for Clary," I declined.
"Okay. Tell Clary I'll see her soon"
"Will do, Mags"
"Cute nickname by the way"
I chuckled to myself as Magnus dramatically left the party. "You could've accepted his offer, you know," Izzy whispered in my ear. "Now, why I would do that?" I asked.
"Alexander, Magnus is your soulmate. I shipped you two from the beginning! If you don't get married to him right now, I swear I'll kill you!"
"Go after him, Alec! And don't forget to propose!"
"I don't even have a ring?"
"I do! I had a ring since we first met him!"
"Why am I not surprised?"
I rolled my eyes as I walked to the park where I knew Magnus would be.

Magnus's POV
"Alexander!" I hissed. "Magnus?" Alec asked.
"What are you doing here, traitor?"
"You know"
"I just found out. How dare you tell Melody what I did!"
"I thought I was doing the right thing!"
"But, you weren't! Get out of my sight!"
Alec was on the verge of tears making me smirk. "You're not the only victim here!" Alec growled. "And you're nothing and an idiot," I spat before shoving him hard, making him fall. Alec yelped in pain as he was surprised.
"We can make things right"
"No. Kick.
we. Kick.
can't! Kick.
I. Kick.
will. Kick.
never. Kick.
forgive. Punch.
you!" Punch.
"Magnus, I-"
"Save. Punch.
It. Punch.
You. Punch.
Bastard! Punch.
I. Kick.
Will. Kick.
Destroy. Kick.
Your. Kick.
Life!" Kick.
"Please. Let me make it up to you"
"What. Kick.
Could. Kick.
You. Kick.
Possibly. Kick.
Do. Kick.
To. Kick.
Make. Kick.
It. Kick.
Up. Kick.
To. Kick.
Me?! Kick.
There. Kick.
Is. Kick.
Nothing. Kick.
You. Punch.
Can. Punch.
Do!" Punch.
Alec was coughing up blood and crying. "Leave!" I hissed and laughed as Alec ran away.

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