S3 Finale (Based on Twitter tweets)

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I know this is way too early considering s3 comes out April 3rd and has 20 episodes... But I was inspired by Twitter tweets so here is a s3 finale one-shot...

Alec's POV
No, no, there cannot be no way to win this battle, I thought to myself as I tapped my hand on my desk. "Alec, emergency meeting now," Jace spoke when present. "Please tell me it's a way to defeat Sebastian," I sighed.
"It looks merely impossible now, Alec. There is no guarantee anyone will come back alive"
"I'm scared, Jace. I could lose everyone I care about: I could die protecting our people"
"Don't forget our allies"
"They're considered our people now. We are both in the same amount of danger"
"Come on, everyone is waiting for us"
I sighed and nodded as I got up to start walking to the meeting room. Izzy was shaking in fear while Simon trying to comfort her. "We can't win this war!" Maia shouted. "We have to try to win. If we don't, Sebastian wins. Do you really want that?" I stated.
"No, of course not"
"Right. Everyone will be with a partner or a group of three. I recommend teaming up with any ally who is still alive"
"Get ready to make a move, we're leaving in fifteen," Jace announced. "Don't leave your partners side in battle unless you have to," I concluded. Quickly, I grabbed Magnus's hand and lead him to my office so we could be alone for the last time. Closing the door to my office, I turned around and hugged Magnus tightly as his hand clutched to my shirt as if it was signifying a goodbye. "Promise me," I whispered. Magnus was about to say something before I interrupted. "Promise me you'll survive," I concluded, earning a nod. Tilting my head up, I kissed his nose. "If we get out of alive," I whispered before pulling away, "will you marry me?". "I will," Magnus answered, pulling me in another kiss. "Alec, Magnus, it's time," Jace announced. I nodded and kissed Magnus one more time before walking out hand in hand.

Magnus's POV
So far, it seemed like Sebastian was winning as several shadowhunters and downworlders were killed in battle. Tears were coming down my face as Alec and I struggled to kill the demons coming at us. 'Promise me you'll survive'. Looking up, I could find Sebastian's weak point. "Alexander, shoot up the hill," I spoke. "What?" Alec asked.
"Do you trust me?"
"Of course I do"
"Then shoot and I'll use my magic afterwards"
Alec nodded before grabbing his bow and aimed at the hill and shot when it was time. Immediately, I used powerful magic and the battle ended, making Sebastian the loser. "We did it, Alexander," I smiled and kissed him. "We did," Alec whispered.
"Now, about that promise"

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