Dark Alec Part 2

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Magnus's POV
I gasped awake looking around my surroundings. "You must be the warlock. I'm Jace," the blonde, Jace, spoke. "How am I still alive?" I questioned.
"He turned you, of course. Welcome to the dark side"
"I'm not good?"
"Nope! And you never will be again. Alec had been obsessed over you ever since the first time he ever laid eyes on you. You're now the co-leader and his husband"
I sighed knowing I couldn't get out of it. If you got turned by anyone evil, you would be forever evil. "He's awake," a girl with long black hair exclaimed. "Isabelle, stop trying to scare my husband," Alec hissed.
"Oh, Alec. This was not the way to turn him!"
"Did you have a better idea, Iz?!"
"Uh, yeah!"
Jace snickered making the two siblings shut up. "At least we now have a warlock on our side," Jace spoke. "Woah woah. Just because I'm dark now doesn't mean I'll do anything for you," I snapped. "Sure you won't. That is if you want your children dead," Alec laughed.
"Are you threatening me, Alexander?"
"Of course I am. You're way too valuable"
"Fine. You have my word"
"That's what I thought"

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