Rivals Part 5

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Magnus's POV
"Magnus, what's going on with you today?" Cat demanded as she stopped my pencil tapping. "What? It's... nothing," I lied.
"I just found out something, okay? Something I'm not willing to share"
"Okay but you're telling after school"
"Ugh, fine"
"Cat, you kinda look stressed," Izzy smirked. "Problem, Izzy?" Cat hissed. "You have a problem maybe but not Izzy," Jace defended. "Jace, she's not worth our time," Alec argued. "Protecting your boyfriend, are we?" Cat spat.
"Jace isn't my boyfriend"
"Sure, he isn't"
"I'm not even gay or bi," Jace hissed. "Hm? We don't believe that," Cat defended. "Cat, maybe we're wrong," I snapped.
"What? Magnus, this is not you!"
"I'm just saying"
"Whatever. Just stop talking to us"
"What? Absolutely not!" Jace snapped. "Jace, let it go!" Alec hissed.
"They're the ones who are crazy!"
"And yet, we're just all the same!"
"How exactly?" Cat demanded. "We all know what it feels like to lose a friend," Alec explained.
"I haven't lost anyone"
"Yeah, what about Lily?"
"How dare you mention Lily!"
"And that's exactly what I'm saying"
"I loved her and I couldn't have her! You don't know what that feels like!"
"Actually, I do. I've been in love with someone for years and still do but will never be able to have him"
For years?! He's been in love with me since we were friends?! And I never realized, I thought. "Magnus!" Cat yelled, bringing me back to reality. "Huh?" I asked.
"Are you feeling well? You just spaced out"
"I did? I'm fine"
"Maybe we should get you checked," Alec suggested. "Alexander, like I said, I'm fine," I replied calmly. "Wow, you guys talked to each other without arguing. That's progress," Jace smirked.
"It is"
"I really miss this," Alec sighed. "I do too," I replied.
"Magnus, look, I'm really sorry"
"No, I should be sorry. I didn't give you the chance to explain and I should've instead of beating you up"
"Can we, you know, possibly start over?"
"On two conditions"
"And those are?"
"Alexander, hurt me badly. It's what I deserve after beating you many times. And go out with me"
"Magnus, I won't hurt you!"
"Please just do it, Alexander"
"DO IT!"
"I can't!"
"Let me, then," Jace offered. "O-okay," Alec stuttered before walking away. "Alexander, wait!" I yelled.
"What, Magnus?"
"You didn't answer my second condition"
"Yes, I'll go out with you, Magnus!"

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