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A/N: I recommend tissues.....

Magnus's POV
One day can make a difference. One word can make you smile. One second can make you laugh. One week can make you scream. One lifetime can make you the happiest man or woman in the world. But I would never get that again. I would never get the sense of true happiness anymore. I would never know the feeling of being loved again. Not after my soulmate was killed in battle and a part of myself dead inside. His friends and family would come visit me daily to see how I was doing but that was a hundred years ago. I wish you were here, my darling. I broke my promise of being happy but I can't live without you. I never knew that until I lost you, my true love. I'll never forget you as you were the one for me. You were the only one I truly loved and I never will regret it. I love you, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, and I always will. If you're listening, I hope you know that you did make a difference in my life and you will always be remembered as a hero. It might be centuries until we meet again, my love; but for now, please don't wait for me as I struggle to have a happy life. You will always be mine.

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