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Alec's POV
They say when someone breaks up with you, they tend to act differently towards you depending on the friends they had or make after the breakup. I honestly didn't believe it until my ex boyfriend, Magnus Bane, was influenced by his friends to torment me and I could easily tell he was not comfortable with it but he didn't want to lose friendship because of who the leader was. Camille Belcourt, the diva and a fashion queen was someone you would never want to cross with or betray. It was Camille who changed Magnus and it was not okay. It all started when I stood up for someone who was a victim of Camille only resulting in Magnus tormenting me.


Alec's POV
I sighed as I watched Hunter Willis getting beaten by no other than Camille Belcourt. "Enjoying the show, Alexander?" Magnus smirked shoving me making me fall. "You're not a bully Magnus," I hissed pulling myself up. Magnus laughed before slamming me against the wall with his fist in the air.
"Scared, Lightwood?"
"I'm not scared of someone who was influenced badly"
Without a word, Magnus started to punch me hard in the face several times until there was a lot of blood. 

Two weeks later

Magnus's POV
I sighed glancing at my phone before finishing any last touches on my outfit in the school bathroom when someone rudely bumped in me making my makeup go everywhere. "Watch it!" I yelled punching whoever did it. I smirked when I noticed it was Alec. "It was an accident!" Alec yelped.
"Just an accident?! You did it on purpose, loser!"
"Magnus look at yourself! You're not like Camille and never will be! Snap out of it!"
"You still love me, pathetic! I don't want anything to do with you!"
"You know that's not true. I see how uncomfortable you are when you're tormenting me. You're not a bully"
I stared at him before laughing. "I'm not the same person who I was Alexander," I hissed.

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