Something Happy

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Alec's POV
When I was younger, I was raised to be this perfect son but I knew I wouldn't be just because of my sexuality. My father told me many times, the LGBT community is disgusting and should not be allowed. In his opinion, being "different" is a f****** choice but even I know it's not. It wasn't until I met my now boyfriend, Magnus Bane aka the high warlock of Brooklyn who taught me that people like my father just didn't understand that love is love and should not be hated on even though they're allowed to not accept it.

Three years later

Alec's POV
"Alexander!" Magnus yelled running into our bedroom. "By the angel Magnus, you scared me!" I yelped making him roll his eyes.
"I found a spell that would make you immortal. Are you interested?"
"Yes. By the angel, yes!"
"Would your siblings be interested?"

350 years later

Alec's POV
I never thought Magnus and I would officially be husbands tonight. Yes, it took so many years to get the Clave to agree to a Nephilim/downworlder marriage.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant