Party Gone Wrong

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Alec's POV
"Alexander! Wake up!" Magnus shouted waking me up instantly. "What?!" I yelled sleepily.
"Let's have a party!"
"Ugh, fine"
I rolled my eyes as I gave Magnus a short kiss before walking to the kitchen. Magnus grinned wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "Help me plan it, darling?" Magnus purred. "Why not?" I teased. What could possibly go wrong?

Few hours later

Alec's POV
Everything went wrong. I sighed regretting it immediately. Magnus was laughing as the last of the decorations fell on the floor. "This party was great!" Izzy shouted, sarcastically. "Yeah. All the decorations fell. The drinks tasted like sh*t literally. And several couples had to end up making love in the living room," Jace stated. Magnus grinned pulling me closer. Magnus and I would've made love five times in our bedroom if the walls wouldn't have collapsed, so we ended up doing it in the living room and the kitchen but I swear we had made love about twenty times. Not to mention I lost my clothes in the process and was forced in wearing Magnus's clothes which I absolutely hated since we didn't want to change more than once so I was stuck with a rainbow cat shirt that said 'kiss me only if you're mine' in blue glitter, red skinny jeans, green scarf, and a black and royal blue beanie. I honestly hoped I wasn't forced into helping plan a party ever again, especially with Izzy, Jace, and Magnus.

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