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Magnus has invited everyone to a group chat

Izzy: hi
Clary: bonjour?
Jace: What is this nonsense
Magnus: Shh, duckling
Jace: ...
Simon: haha
Jace: Spears, shut up!
Simon: *Simon
Raphael: How do you delete yourself?
Tessa: You probably can't
Cat: Agreeing with Tessa here
Will: What in the world is this
Magnus: Yep, definitely relatives
Jace and Will: HEY!
Ragnor: IDK what to think of this
Izzy: :s
Clary: lol
Simon: what even
Cat: I'm tired
Tessa: Me 24/7
Will: okay??
Alec: what the
Jace: he's alive!
Alec: Jace
Will: Is that my so-called twin?
Magnus: Yes
Simon: Hey
Raphael: ....
Alec: whatever, I'm going to sleep
Izzy: Oh, that's right. It's almost two am there
Alec: I just want to be home :(
Jace: don't worry, the Institute will still be here when you get back
Alec: I meant the loft, but okay
Izzy: JACE
Jace: AHHH
Magnus: Burn
Jace: No
Magnus: Sure
Alec: Stop fighting, you two. Mags, you better be behaving
Magnus: Me?! Behave?! Always
Cat: No, you don't
Magnus: ..... defend me, my dear Alexander
Alec: she's right
Raphael: I seriously need to leave
Ragnor: Same
Tessa: you can mute the chat
Magnus: Don't tell them that
Tessa: too late
Simon: okay
Izzy: xd
Alec: I can't sleep
Clary: same
Tessa: I can help with that
Clary: No thanks
Tessa: :(
Alec: It's freezing in my room
Tessa: Again, I can help you with that
Magnus: Already ahead of you
Tessa: You surprised him, didn't you?
Alec: He did <3
Jace: What did you do to my parabatai
Magnus: magic <3
Alec: I'm going to sleep
Magnus: We don't have to sleep <3
Jace: this is a group chat!!!!!!
Alec: Did you hear something?
Magnus: Nope
Jace: HEY

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat