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Alec's POV
I was pushed harshly on my stomach making me groan in pain as someone sat down on my back. I winced as my attacker started punching the back of my head. The laughter was heard around the entire room as I was flipped over and got the same process. Jace laughed moving to my legs and started punching my stomach. "Hey! Leave him alone!" A popular male yelled. I could barely see him but I could tell he sparkled like Christmas lights. "Oh sure. You can help your boyfriend," Jace snickered.
"Be careful, Jonathan"
"Sure, Magnus"
I fell unconscious but I still knew I was being carried in my crush's arms.

Few hours ago

Alec's POV
My eyes fluttered open and took around my surroundings. I tried to move but the bounds on my wrists made it impossible to do so. The door opened to reveal my crush who just stared at me before removing my restraints. I figured that the restraints were only there so I wouldn't end up hurting myself more. "You sure took a hell of a beating, Alexander," Magnus spoke startling me. "You know my name?" I asked.
"Of course I do. I know your sister as well"
"So my sister mentioned me"
"Sure but I noticed you from the start even if I didn't knew your name then. You could say I fell for you"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat