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Alec's POV
"Fag. Pathetic. Loser. Useless. Ugly. Worthless. Disgrace. Disgusting," Sebastian spat as he repeatedly punched me. Everyone was laughing while my sister was filming and eventually gave the camera to Jace so she could join in on the beating. I was left laying lifeless on the ground as people passed by and some even stopped to kick me. I sighed getting up and running to my apartment as fast as I could. When I came out as gay, I expected Izzy to support me but she helped with the beating I got from my father. I only had one person who supported me and that was my mother. Two if you count the obviously open bisexual man who lived in the apartment across from me. "Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as I opened the door. "You're early. Did you get beaten again?" My mom sighed.
"Worse than last week"
"Oh, my poor baby. I have to get to work so you'll be with someone for a while"
"Mom, I don't need a babysitter"
"It's not a babysitter, it's the man living across from us"
"One, we don't even know anything about him. And two, why can't I just be alone?"
"Look at the bright side"
"What bright side?"
"That you get to hang out with a very handsome man for a day"
Mom was about to say something but the doorbell rang. "It's unlocked!" She shouted. "Thanks for inviting me," the man smiled.
"You volunteered"
"That's because your son is the love of my life"
"See, Alexander? I told you that he loved you"
"You don't even know me?" I asked with annoyance. "Alexander, I know everything about you," he smirked.
"Your mother, darling"
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Well, you love him," my mother laughed. "Shut up," I sighed. "You don't even know my name and you love me?" He smirked.
"I know your name"
"What is it then?"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now