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The Clave has demanded a war with the downworld. Who will fight with and who will fight against with the Nephilim? After Malec's breakup

Alec's POV
Oh, how much I hate the Clave. I just got the word that we'd be going to the war with the downworld and that's how I ended up having an emergency meeting with all the representatives. "Please tell me the war is false," Luke sighed. "I wish I was joking, but it's true," I replied. "And what exactly does that have to do with us?!" Jackson, the vampire representative, asked.
"We need to know our enemies and our allies"
"We're obviously enemies, we're leaving"
"I'm an alley, of course," Lily spoke. "Whatever," Jackson spat. "Thank you Lily for being the... most loyal vampire," Izzy replied. "Seelies?"Jace asked. "Enemies," Meliorn answered. "Werewolves?" Clary asked even though we didn't need an answer. It was the warlocks I was worried about. "Allies, of course," Luke reassured. "Last but not least, warlocks?" I asked. "Enemies!" Jade shouted. "Jade, you can do whatever you want. Most of us are allies including Cat and I," Magnus explained.

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