Dark Alec

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Alec's POV
My mind was going insane as I tripped over the stairs grinning to myself. "Alec, you alright?" Izzy asked. "Oh, I'm fine," I hissed pulling myself up.
"O-okay. If you say so"
"Izzy, can you mind picking out my outfit? I have a friend to find"
Izzy raised her eyebrows suspiciously. "Alec, what friend?" She asked as she threw clothes at me when we reached my bedroom. "He's a warlock apparently," I hissed.
"Alec, you won't be able to convince him"
"I have my ways, little sister. Don't worry, he'll have no choice"
Izzy sighed walking out to let me change.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
"Where is the shadowhunter?!" Cat hissed. "Patience, Cat. He's approaching," I answered.
"Let me go make myself scarce"
"Yes, you go do that"
"Magnus?" He asked harshly. "Who wants to know?" I purred.
"Alec. Alec Lightwood"
"Of course! What was so important that I just had to come meet you?"
Alec just stared at me coldly making me actually terrified. "Alec?" I asked making him grin. "Forgive me," Alec hissed making me confused. Then all of a sudden I was hit until I fell unconscious.

A few hours later

Magnus's POV
I groaned in pain as my eyes fluttered open to reveal I was chained up in a dungeon-like-room. "Well, well you're finally awake," Alec hissed showing up in front of me. "What do you want from me?!" I growled.
"Your life, warlock"
"Magnus, shut up and enjoy the show or punishment"
My eyes widened as I tried to get out of the chains. Alec grinned before beating me making me shocked as I struggled to get free but it was no use. "I'll do... anything. Please...," I struggled before taking my last breath.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz