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**Warning: Mentions of Rape. Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable**

At every school, there is two groups, the populars and the vamps. The populars consisted of the artistic students while the vamps consisted of the unknown and victim students. Alec Lightwood was the leader of the vamps and usually got in fights with Magnus Bane, the leader of the populars, and his two assistants, Catarina Loss and Raphael Santiago, and usually lost. Alec sighed as he finished his English paper before turning it into the teacher. "Alec!" Jace, Alec's adopted brother, yelled. "Let me guess, you need help?" Alec asked, rolling his eyes.
"Fine but only because I finished earlier"
"My hero!"

Time skip

Alec's POV
Jace was being extra annoying today only resulting in getting my rivals angrier which usually meant a very bad beating. I was used to it by now so I wasn't surprised when I was slammed against my locker. "Scared, Lightwood?" Magnus smirked. "You wish," I growled.
"Oh, Alexander. I'm going to destroy you"
"I'm not scared of you, Magnus"
"Oh? Punch.
Let's. Punch.
See. Punch.
How. Punch.
Much. Punch.
You. Punch.
Mean. Punch.
That. Punch.
,. Punch.
You're. Punch.
Nothing. Punch.
But. Punch.
A. Punch.
No. Punch.
Body." Punch.
"And I don't really care"
"Oh. Punch.
Alexander. Punch.
But. Punch.
You. Punch.
Should. Punch.
Really. Punch.
Care. Punch.
About. Punch.
Your. Punch.
Status. Punch.
If. Punch.
You. Punch.
Want. Punch.
To. Punch.
Live." Punch.
By then, I was bleeding so much that I couldn't see through my eyes but that didn't stop Magnus from punching me more until I slid down the locker and started getting kicked. Magnus laughed before walking away leaving me on the cold floor lifeless.

A month later

Magnus's POV
"Alec's coming back today," Cat stated. "Oh, is he?" I smirked.
"I overheard it from his boyfriend, Jace. How courageous to return"
"Alec claims Jace just as a friend but we know that's a lie"
"I just saw Alec. I thought it would be fun to push him down the steps," Raphael snickered. "Let me guess, Jace caught him?" I laughed.
"Yep! So I beat Jace and kicked Alec until he started crying"
"He actually cried?! Please tell me, you got it on camera!"
"Obviously, I did"
"Raph!" Izzy, Alec's sister, yelled while running to our table. "Is something wrong?" Raphael snickered.
"You made Alec cry! You'll pay!"
"Ooh, I'm so scared"
I smirked as I noticed Alec walking to the bathroom. "I need to take care of something," I announced before heading to the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

Alec's POV
I sighed as I washed my face until I finally realized I wasn't alone. "Magnus," I huffed. "How courageous of you to return," Magnus smirked as he circled around me until I was pinned against the wall.
"If you're going to beat me, get on with it"
"I'm not, Alexander. But I'm going to rape you"
Magnus came closer and kissed me hungrily as his hands unzipped my pants pulling them down along with my boxers. Grabbing my thighs, he began rubbing his hands up and down before taking me whole. I tried pushing Magnus back but failed as he was too strong. I was forced to come as Magnus pulled out of me and removed his lips from mine. "I changed my mind. I'm going to beat you," Magnus purred before punching me repeatedly.

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