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Alec: Hi? Is this Charlie?

Magnus: No!

Alec: Um, do you happen to have his number?

Magnus: Absolutely not. Even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you, Alexander

Alec: Magnus...

Magnus: Finally, took you long enough!! Does the fag take longer than the normal ones?

Alec: You supported me! We were dating and you just had to leave me for Camille

Magnus: Aww, is the fag upset? Do I have to teach you a lesson?

Alec: You're not a bully, Magnus

Magnus: That's it. Meet me at the park

Alec: I'm not meeting you anywhere

Magnus: Why? Because you're weak and you don't want anyone to see?

Alec: I'm not letting you do anything to me

Magnus: Aww, do I need to rape your sister again?

Alec: Leave Izzy out of this!!!

Magnus: Then meet me at the park

Alec: Fine

The next day

Izzy: Alec?

Alec: Yeah?

Izzy: Are you okay? You came home with very bad bruises last night

Alec: I'm fine...

Izzy: Is it Magnus?

Alec: Please don't mention him

Izzy: It is, isn't it?!

Alec: Okay, yes...

Izzy: Oh my god, you need to report him

Alec: He'll literally kill me if I do

Izzy: Alec....

Alec: I have to stop talking to you, he's texting me

Izzy: He got your number?!

Alec: Yeah.. we'll talk later, okay?

Magnus: I swear if you're telling Izzy, I'll just have to teach you another lesson tonight

Alec: She doesn't know

Magnus: You're lying!

Alec: Fine, you caught me

Magnus: Park, 15 minutes

Alec: No

Magnus: I'm sorry?

Alec: You heard me

Magnus: You'll regret that, Lightwood

Alec: I don't care

Magnus: Or you can pick your own punishment

Alec: Fine, just give me some options

Magnus: I thought so. Beating, rape, or chained upside down

Alec: Chained upside down

Magnus: You know where my apartment is, meet me

Two weeks later

Izzy: Jace, have you seen Alec? 

Jace: No

Izzy: He just hasn't been home lately

Jace: He's not answering my calls

Izzy: What if something happened?

Jace: We'll find him, Izzy

Alec: Izzy

Izzy: Alec! Where have you been?!

Alec: Alexander is sleeping right now

Izzy: Magnus?!

Alec: Hello, Isabelle

Izzy: What have you done with Alec?!

Alec: You will never see him again

Izzy: Let him go!

Alec: Aww, no

Izzy: Magnus!

Alec: Oh, Alexander's waking up... we'll have to cut this conversation short

Izzy: Don't you dare touch him!!!

Alec: I already have

Izzy: Jace!!!

Jace: Did you find Alec?

Izzy: Magnus has him

Jace: NO!!!!!!

Five weeks later

Alec: Help

Alec: Izzy, I don't have enough time

Magnus: Sorry, not Izzy

Alec: Let me go!

Magnus: Let me think about it, no

Alec: You won't get away with this!

Magnus: Be quiet, loser!

Alec: No, stop!

Izzy: ALEC

Jace: I'm scared

Alec: You should be

Izzy: Magnus??

Magnus: Nope

Jace: Let him go!

Magnus: Never

Izzy: Alec, are you okay?

Alec: I'm fine. Stop looking for me

Jace: What?

Alec: Promise me

Izzy: What did you do?!

Magnus: Relax, I just scared him a little bit

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant