Once An Enemy, Always An Enemy

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Basically: Malec never happened, Malec are enemies, Magnus is not bisexual, contains lots of violence and **POSSIBLY RAPE** Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable or triggers you

Alec's POV
I was slammed against a locker hard getting beaten. "Fag!" Magnus spat, pushing me to my knees and started kicking my face with his shoe repeatedly. My vision became blurry as I fell backwards on my back hard. Magnus laughed kicking my face until I could barely see. I sighed as I blindly reached for my stele and applied the healing rune. "Alec, you okay?!" Izzy yelled. "Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. If anyone else knew Magnus was bullying me, he would end me literally.
"You look like you've been bleeding, what happened?"
"Nothing. I fell on my face this morning and down the stairs"
"Isabelle, darling!" Jace dramatically yelled. I liked Jace but I would like him even more if he wasn't friends with my worst enemy. "Jace. Magnus," Izzy replied. "Hello Isabelle," Magnus spoke. "Alec, what the hell happened to you?" Jace asked. Magnus happened, I thought. "I fell," I lied. 
"On your face?"
"I am clumsy, aren't I?"
"Right. Well, at least you healed yourself"
Yeah, I do it a lot because of your best friend. "I always carry it just in case," I replied. "I'm making dinner tonight," Izzy exclaimed. "Absolutely not. Magnus is cooking tonight," Jace argued.
"Finally, Magnus is coming for dinner! At our house for once"
"Jace, that's exactly what I had in mind!" I lied. Magnus glared at me and I knew something was going to happen tonight. "Great. Alec, let Magnus heal you the rest of the way," Jace suggested before leaving with Izzy. "You better come up with better excuses," Magnus growled as he slapped me. "Shut up and heal me," I spat.
"Gladly. The fun can wait until tonight"
"What are you planning to do?"
"You'll see, Alexander"

Few hours later

Magnus's POV
"Seriously, thanks for coming but you didn't have to be too fancy," Jace sighed. "He's Magnus Bane," Izzy shrugged. I chuckled. "Where is Alexander?" I asked.
"In the living room"
"Great, thank you"
Alec was playing on his phone until I used my magic to snatch it from him. "Show me your room," I demanded. "Magnus, you're here early," Alec spoke.
"Of course. Now show me your room or I swear I'll drag you by the shirt myself"
I laughed as Alec quickly took me to his room. After locking the door, I pushed him on the bed tying him up to where he couldn't move. "What are you doing?!" Alec screamed after I finished up the soundproof spell. "What do you think?" I spat, pouncing on him and punched him hard.
"No, please"
"It's what you deserve for being a fag. So I'll let you choose, one or two rounds"
"Please no"
"Choose, damnit!" Punch.
"Magnus, I'm begging you!"
"You don't want Jace to die, do you?"
"No... one round"
"That's what I thought"

At Dinner

Alec's POV
"Alec, you alright?" Izzy asked. "Yeah," I lied. "Alec looks a little bruised up," Jace commented. I gave him a glare just as dinner was served. "Jace!" Izzy argued.
"I like being honest"
"Yeah, yeah"
"Eat your dinner children," Magnus spoke, annoyed. "Right," Jace sighed.

Next day

Alec's POV
Everyone was staring at me as I walked down the halls before being tripped by Jace, surprisingly. "What the hell?!" I yelled. "If I knew you were a fag earlier, I wouldn't even be your friend," Jace laughed. Right, I forgot about Jace being homophobic. "No words? Maybe I should just shut you up badly," Jace growled and kicked me hard. "Allow me to help Jonathan," Magnus hissed as he tied me up. Jace laughed before dragging me to an empty classroom.
"Why of course"
Magnus grinned and pinned me against the wall. "This is going to be so much fun," Magnus spat.

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