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Trigger Warning: Abuse. Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable!!!!!!!

Alec's POV
I sat down on a bench in Central Park, allowing tears to fall. My body was covered in bruises but I thought it was unimportant to heal them. I started sobbing as I fell to my knees, hitting the grass under me.


Alec's POV
"What did I tell you?!" Logan yelled, shoving me. "That you would hurt me if I talked to my siblings?" I argued.
"Yes, yes. And did you?!"
"At least you're not lying to me!"
I flinched as Logan started beating me until I was coughing up blood. "You're literally nothing!" Logan hissed, kicking me in the face.

End of flashback

Alec's POV
"Alexander?" A familiar voice asked. A voice I never heard in a couple years. "Leave me, Magnus," I screamed.
"What happened?"
"I want to be alone!"
"Leave me!"
Magnus sighed and left me alone, only stopping to slap me. "I wanted to help you! Are you too hurt right now to get the help you need?!" Magnus growled, slapping me a second time. "Yes, okay?! It's not like you'd even care!" I shouted.
"Alexander, I just offered my help! Does that sound like someone who doesn't care?!" Slap.
I didn't even flinch as Magnus kept yelling at me and slapping me. I would never say this, but I wanted him to do this. Each slap was telling me I would never be good enough and I deserved every single one of them. I was too broken to even speak up. Magnus started kicking me as well as continuing to slap. Even then, I still didn't flinch. I was hurting all over but I didn't let it show even though one punch happened. "Alexander-" Magnus snapped, kicking and slapping me one last time. "Magnus?" I cried out, wanting him to never stop. Magnus looked at me and got the message as he started up once again. I didn't move, letting the hits come hard. I just was happy that Magnus was giving me what exactly I wanted and made me grin.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now