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Alec's POV
Everyday, there would be knocking on my door and a lot of questions behind it. Everyone was worried about me as my last relationship ended terribly and I would never be the same again. It was hard to sleep since the nightmares would come each night and I usually couldn't fall back asleep. My mind would show the visions making me sob quietly in my room where I never allowed anyone to enter, not even my own parabatai.

Maryse's POV
"Alright, I'm coming!" I yelled before opening the front door of the Institute to reveal Catarina and Magnus. "Finally! It's chilly out here and-" Magnus scowled.
"Alec needs you"
With that, Magnus rushed to Alec's bedroom as I apologized to Catarina and slammed the door in her face.

Magnus's POV
The door to Alec's bedroom was locked and I was getting no answer. "Alexander! I just want to talk to you!" I yelled. "I don't want anyone to talk to!" Alec yelled back in frustration.
"Your mom told me you needed me. Please, I can help"
Silence. I was surprised when the door opened slowly as Alec motioned me to enter quickly. I obeyed almost getting my jacket caught in the door. "Alexander? How-" I started before realizing he was crying so I immediately pulled him in my arms allowing his sobs to wet my outfit. "J-just h-h-hold m-me," Alec stuttered.
"Of course. Talk when you're ready"
"I-I-It's j-j-j-j-just m-m-my r-recent r-r-relationship e-ended b-b-badly"
"Shh, Alexander. I'm here"

A few minutes later

"Alexander, what happened?" I asked patiently as I helped Alec sit down on the edge of his bed. "H-h-he d-d-did t-t-the u-u-un-forgivable," Alec answered.
"No! You didn't deserve this!"
"I-I-I'll n-n-never b-be the s-s-s-s-same. He m-m-m-made m-m-me b-b-broken"
"Shh. I'm here always"
"I promise with my life"
Alec smiled sadly before pulling himself into my lap as I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, holding him, and kissed his forehead.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now