I got tagged by a Weeaboo

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So I can't take a screenshot of the rules and I don't think I have anyone to tag,  but my friend Hannah tagged me to post 13 things about myself so here goes nothing.

1.  Dog person

2. Loves Voltron

3.  Music fanatic

4.  Ambroverted

5.  14

6.  Lover of rain.

7.  Loves creepy stuff.

8.  Brunette.

9.  I thrive in winter and or cold.

10.  A poler bear.  (I almost always give up my jacket for my friends.)

11. Hufflepuff

12. Lazy

13.  A shitty writer.

And there you have it folks. My live in thirteen answers. By my lovelys! Sorry if you thought this was an update.

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