Chapter 47: One Wedding and a Funeral-Part 3

Start from the beginning

Jones began to think that it was some sort of frightening joke until Marie noticed a caption in the corner that said, 'Have a nice flight, jerk! Adam B.' Seeing the plane crash photos just before their victim's tragic fate as well as a hateful message from Adam, the two officers agreed that he has a lot of explaining to do. Once they confronted Adam, Jones looked at him sternly, shoved the photo album in his face and asked, "Adam, do you care to explain to us your other "gift" to Walter? Only this time it's photo album filled with nothing but plane crashes!"

Adam swatted the album out of his face and said angrily, "Walter deserved that gift cause he made me believe that we were friends! Walter helped me get integrated in the higher classes in Maple Heights. He taught how to wear classy suits and he advised me to wear contact lenses instead of my old glasses. But the truth was that was just his tool! I was his provocative pet that was only raised to upset the uptight community of Maple Heights!"

Getting curious, Marie asked him, "What do mean Adam? From what I can see, you're hardly ever proactive in this community."

"You don't understand Marie. They look down at me cause I come from one of those old influential families. Befriending me was like flipping a big middle finger for Walter. I was so mad when I discovered that, but fighting with him openly would destroy my reputation. So I decided to send him that gift, but I never thought that he would actually crash," Adam explained.

After Adam left with a remorse's look on his face, Marie started to feel bad for him but Jones had other things in mind. He looked at Adam's back sternly and said, "I think Adam could've planned Walter's death all on his own without blinking Marie!"

"That's just your opinion Jones. But I heard him say that he does wear contact lenses just like me," Marie said.

Jones remembered instantly that Marie does wear contacts when she's not wearing her regular glasses. After they were done with Adam, Marie brushed her powder over the document she found until the faded text became visible. Marie and Jones looked and saw that the document was a bank notification and it was addressed to Lola's brother Esteban. On it, the bank notified to Esteban that his account has been closed at Lola's behest. Seeing that it goes beyond sibling rivalry and knowing that he has no money left, Esteban might be furious so Jones and Marie decided to check it out for themselves.

As soon as they confronted Esteban, Marie showed him the bank notification and said, "Would you care to explain to us why your sister closed your account that she had opened for you Mr. Vallez."

Esteban then explained angrily, "It was all because of that jerk Walter Fairbanks! He was the one who ordered Lola to cut off my money and he ruined my project!"

Jones asked curiously, "What project?"

"Lola agreed to help me finance my awesome idea for a new contact lens product and it was gonna be revolutionary! But then Walter came along and told Lola to stop financing it. Apparently, he didn't believe in my project and he said that it wasn't even close to chemistry 101! Don't you see?! Walte4 came and ruined my chemistry career! he shot down at my only chance at fane and riches and my sister didn't even try to stop him," Esteban explained.

Later, after one too many coffees, Jones and Marie sat at their desks in a slump and Jones said, "I don't get it baby girl. Walter was rumored to be a nice guy and yet all our suspects seem to hold a personal grudge against him. Which clearly makes each of them more suspicious than the last. I'm kind of afraid that King will be really unhappy if don't solve this case soon!"

Just as he said that, Chief King stormed up to their desks and yelled, "You're damn right that won't be Happy Jones!" And after he said those words, Jones and Marie scrambled and stood up from their seats and saluted him.

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