Chapter 50! : Warmth, Peace, and Nightmares

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~Alexander's POV~

I woke up to John lightly shaking me.

"Wh-why are you waking me up?"

I sat up slowly.

"You have class today, don't you? Monday - 10PM."

"I can miss a class, I'll be fine. I handed in my final project anyways."

I laid back down onto John's lap.

"You're paying a lot of money for each semester, just saying, but if you insist.."

"I just wanna be here just lying here with the person that I love most."

He pulled a blanket over us and kissed me on the forehead.

After a bit I noticed John tense up but he did pretty well at hiding it. I mean, he's always been talented at hiding things, especially his emotions. He can fake a smile and make it look real. Not many people can pull that off.

We started talking for hours on end.

We went through so many different topics like childhood.

"Hah, I remember when I was like 7, I really wanted a pet turtle for some reason so I would beg my parents to get me one. Of course I never got one, but still too this day, every once in a while I'd think to myself 'I really should get a pet turtle, as like a joke'.


"Well, you know me, my family is, well.. uh, dead."

"I still can't believe you had to live through that."

"I mean, it's not as bad as it sounds. You always have alone time, you just have to support yourself. Also there's no abuse, I know you'd like that."

"I remember the like 4th time I was abused, I'm pretty sure I wished at 11:11PM to be disowned like my old dog. Of course, that never came true."

Sexuality which the author is still questioning.

"I was so confused on my sexuality until I met you and in my head, I was like 'I'm gay for this dude.' so I realized I'm bi because I remember being interested in this other girl, long story yadiyadiyada."

"So, I've known since I was like 6 that I was gay because I used to get crushes on little boys and I wasn't introduced to the LGBT community yet, so I was so confused for a long time. I never told anyone because I thought I was broken, which I still think now, wait what off topic, until I was 12 and found the LGBT community and I was immediately like, 'Count me in, I have found my people.' so I would sneak out some times to go to pride stuff. Honestly, those were some of the best years of my life."

The one time John went emo.

"Wait, you went emo?😂"

"Yeah, it was like the day things got so bad, I decided to put like all my hair to one side of my head, my favorite color became black, I hid all my rainbow pride stuff away, which I may still have, I don't know. Remember Charles Lee?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Remember his hair cut?"

"Yeah, oh my god."

I bursted out laughing.

"Just imagine me like that but with curly hair, black eyeliner I stole from my sister, and all black clothing. I don't have any pictures, but I have plenty of pictures of my sister."

He showed me a picture and I couldn't stop laughing.

"This was basically me for a whole 6 month era. I gave up being emo because I stopped putting effort into my appearance. I kinda just stopped caring."

He pulled me closer.

(an// Wattpad had this glitch that keeps making me restart from here so this is my 4th time rewriting this)

"I feel like I need to remind you again, that I am here. You can talk to me, turn to me for anything. I love you to the moon and back."

I was blushing madly.

A single tear fell down John's face.


I wiped off the tear.

"I need to thank you for everything. For being there, for loving this mess, for everything you've ever done for me. You've given me this feeling I thought I would never get back."

He hugged me.

"Sorry for being emotional, but I love you so much. I mean it."

"I love you too John."



thanks for reading!! ♥

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