Chapter 30: Cursive

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                                                             ~Alexander's POV~

Angelica: Wait, where's John?

Peggy: He stepped out to take a phone call, but he's been gone for an hour.

Alex: I'll go get him.

I stand up, and walk out of the room.

I expected to see him right outside the door, but he wasn't there.

The first place I check is our dorm.


'Where else would he be?'

I check every floor looking down every hall way, just because it could be a possibility.

'I'm just gonna text him.'

Alex: John, where are you?

*5 minutes later*

Alex: John, where are you? You're worrying me.

'What are some other places I can check?'

I think for a moment, but nothing came to my head.

Alex: John, please respond to me.

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Alex added to *Squad Chat*

John added to *Squad Chat*

I tap on the notification.

Peggy: Any luck?

Alex: No, and I'm starting to freak myself out.

Aaron: Any ideas of where he could've gone?

Alex: I've checked everywhere I could think of.

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Unknown man in the streets with a knife.

Alex: I'm not the only one who got that alert, right?

Angie: I got it.

Eliza: Same

Aaron: Yep.

Lafayette: I did.

Peggy: Yup.

Aaron: Alex, stay calm.

Alex: How am I supposed to stay calm in this situation?

Angie: Where are you?

Alex: 2nd floor, hallway.

Peggy: Did you check outside?

Alex: I was about too, but not with a murderer in the streets.

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Alex: I'm officially freaking out.

Eliza: I wouldn't blame you.

I hear sirens in the distance.

'I don't care about the alerts right now, I'm just gonna go outside and do a quick scan of the area.'

I run down the stair stairs into the lobby. I look out the window to see John, back towards the window, shivering.

I open the door slowly, and start approaching him.

"John, are you okay?"

The wind blew many snowflakes around me, as I sat down next to him.

"What's wrong?"

He doesn't respond to me. He doesn't move, and didn't recognize my existence.

I text the group chat quickly.

Alex: I found him.

Peggy: Thank god.

Aaron: Phew.

I shut off my phone.

"John, are you okay?"

I wrap my arm around him to pull him closer.

"John, what happened? I just wanna help you."

He snapped out of whatever he was in. He sighed.

"What happened? Why did you come out here?"

"I would.. rather not talk about it."

"Get it off your chest so it bother you at least half as much."

He got up, and started walking towards the door.

"John, I'm trying to help you."

"Well, it's not gonna help my issue."

He walked in the door, and I followed.


"Leave me alone."

He ran up the stairs, and into our dorm.

                                                            ~John's POV~

'My mother is one of few people in my life I care for deeply, and now knowing the fact that it's extremely likely I'll loose her, it just makes me question myself, and just depresses me. I don't wanna talk to anyone, not even Alex. I mean, I feel bad for snapping at him, but he wasn't getting my point that I wanna be left alone.'

                                                     ~Alexander's POV~

As soon as he feel asleep, I start writing him a letter with the best cursive I could attempt.


i'm also now obsessed with Taylor Swift's new song

send help, im obsessed.

Also, I have made a new YouTube channel for Lams edits which are trash

but hey, i'll send a link to a video

okay thanks

gotta blast

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