Chapter 26: Enough

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                                                            ~Alexander's POV~

Someone finally called 9-1-1. I turn around and see John holding the knife up to his throat.

I stand there for a millisecond in shock.

'Wait, John is suicidal?'

I push John's arm away so the knife was no longer near his throat. I hug him, tears in the corner of my eyes. He dropped the knife. He seemed really dizzy and delirious. John could just barely stand up straight. 

'What even happened before I came into the room?'

"John, what happened?"

He didn't respond. I start to get nervous. Sirens were sounding closer.

"Alex, th-thank you."

He passed out.

'Life just isn't fair to anyone, but I feel like it's especially me. Every time I love someone, they die, or get injured, or we fall apart, or just something happens between us and we stop talking. Why does this happen to me? Why can't I just have one person in my life who will stick around? I mean, I doubt he's gonna die, but still, I'm worried that by my luck he's gonna die.'

The ambulance arrives.

*An hour later*

They pushed me into the waiting room. I text Aaron for help, just in case he had any ideas of what I'm gonna do.

Alex: Hey Aaron, can I ask for advice?

Aaron: Did something happen?

Alex:  Pas de merde Sherlock.

Aaron: What happened?

Alex: I bet you can guess.

Aaron: Alex, I have no idea.

Alex: I'm in the waiting room in a hospital, that give any hints?

Aaron: Wait, John's homophobic father, I'm guessing.

Alex: Yeah, wait, I forgot I never told you about that. How do you know?

Aaron: I used to go to a summer camp with him. I know him from there.

Alex: Well either way, I have no idea if we're gonna get back tomorrow or when we are.

Aaron: Just stay calm, this storm is gonna pass.

Alex: Well, I'm in the eye of the hurricane.

Aaron: You're half way through.

Alex: The first half felt like forever.

Aaron: Well, besides the incident, how are you doing?

Alex: Well, okay I guess. I mean, I could be better. You?

Aaron: I'm great! 

Alex: That's good.

Aaron: Did I tell you the news?

Alex: What news?

Aaron: Theodosia and I are officially dating.

Alex: Congrats! I hope you two are happy together.

Aaron: Thanks.

I sit in the waiting room almost all night.

*5:47AM, Monday.*

"Excuse me, Alexander Hamilton?" A nurse walks up.


"Are you here for John Laurens?"


A sudden wave of nervousness hits me.

"You can now visit him."

The nurse leads me to his room.

She opens the door. John is asleep on the hospital bed. I take a seat next to the bed, in the chair for guests.

"I'll leave you to it." she mumbled as she closed the door.

'Even through all the arguments lately, I've realized through this whole incident, I still care about John too much. I could never give him up over myself. He's perfect. I love him for him, not his looks, not for his money, for him. I never thought someone like him would want me. This annoying, crazy person. Why would he? I'm surprised he hasn't broken up with me already. He doesn't deserve me, he deserves so much better than me. Could he even forgive me for not being there when it all started? So many questions, no answers.'


I look up.


I hug him tightly. Tears slowly start rolling down my face.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"Of course I'd be okay."

"John, I'm so sorry for all the arguments lately. I really didn't realize how much I love you. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone so much better than me, I mea-"

"Just shut up and kiss me."

We fall into a long slow gentle kiss.

"You don't have to be scared you're not enough."

"Sorry, I've been worrying about that lately." 

"Alex, you're not perfect, but it's fake to be perfect, and I see past your flaws. Don't worry about it, because I love you for you."

We hug, and I'm trying so hard to hold back tears.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you for.. everything."

an// yay, another chapter


i'm pretty happy though it's 1AM

well, the solar eclipse is tomorrow or aka today it's 1am

Thank you for all the support lately! I've gotten to 1.1k views, and I'm lucky to have so much support.

Also, basically, I imaged Alex like this \/ \/ \/

I wrote a whole plan for the fanfiction all the way up to the end, and it's quite exciting! Hopefully you'll like it

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I wrote a whole plan for the fanfiction all the way up to the end, and it's quite exciting! Hopefully you'll like it.


Mostly Good For You and for the hospital scene, I was listening to Only Us.


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