Chapter 37: Happier

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                                                   ~Alexander's POV~

I woke up, forgetting John slept with me last night.

I check my phone


Notifications (1)

Eliza: Hey....

'Why would she text me?'

I tap the notification and read the text.

Alex: I accept your apology. One question, why did you text me in the first place? You didn't wake me up or anything nor am I mad, just a question.

Sent 6:44AM

I turned my phone off, and attempted to go back to sleep, but failed. 

I have no idea why, but I was just so.. happy.

'I haven't felt this happy in years, but there's no explanation why I am.'

Finally, John woke up.

"Good Morning."

I kiss his forehead.

"Good morning." 

We got out of bed, and got ready for the day.

"Wanna go to the cafe like usual?"


We walk out the door.

"John, I've never realized how happy you make me until this morning. I woke up and felt the same from when we first met, and I've always wanted that feeling back."

He smiled.

"I mean, I probably wouldn't be standing here if it you didn't come back into my life. I always feel safe around you, and I guess you always provide me happiness and hope along with a reason to keep going."

"I'll never understand how I was able to help you through everything you were going through without even knowing I was."

"I really don't know how to explain."

"You're still the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Same back at you."

We open the doors to the cafe, order, and sit in the corner like always.

"I'll have to leave 30 minutes early, because my first class starts half an hour earlier today, but do you want to meet up for lunch?"

'Okay, questionable, but I won't ask.'


He checks his phone.

"Oh heck, gotta go."

He kisses me on the cheek.

"Love you, bye."


He grabbed his backpack and left.

'Alone again I see.'

I see Eliza walking towards me.

"Hey, Alex."


"Do you mind if I sit down?"

"Go ahead."

She sat down across from me.

"So, where's John?"

"He left for class."


We sat in silence for a moment.

an//one quick thing before i continue, my mood dropped from the happiest i've ever been in years down to the fiery pits of hell and that's because i lost all my irl friends because i've "changed" and they all hate me now :/okay back to this i just needed to get that out of my system, it's been annoying me for an hour and i could barely write.


"So, I need advice I guess."

"Alright, about what?"


"Why are you asking me?"

"I was just hoping that you have a bit of experience with it."

"I have probably too much experience with it. I'll help you out."

"Alright, sorry if I may be a bit hesitant."

"It's fine."

"So, I've been heartbroken for two years straight, and it's been over my ex-girlfriend. Two full years, crazy I know. Do you have any tips or advice to get past it?"

"Well, do you want her back first of all?"

"Yes, I miss her so much."

She looked out the window and sighed.

"The thing is, she found someone else, and I know she's happier with them."

"Maybe if you could try to find someone new."

"How did you get over it so many times?"

"Well, usually I would move on after about a week, but one time, the longest time actually, I met John, and he never knew that he got me over it just in a matter of minutes. If I were you, I would try to find someone else."

"Thank you for the advice, I've gotta go to class."

"No problem."

She got up and left.

Notifications (1)

Email from Willow Gates

'Wait, isn't she from back home? Please tell me this is her.'

I open up the email.

'Dear Alexander,

       Hey, do you remember me? Willow Gates from the Caribbean? Ajax's sister? The girl everyone thought died? Well, I'm alive. We all miss you down here, and we wish we were in your position. You're so lucky to be going to college up in America, I hope your happy.

So how's life? It's been awhile. Another hurricane is about to hit the Caribbean, but definitely not as bad as the other one.

Hope you're doing well.

                                                                                                                Sincerely, Me.


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