Chapter 16: New Romantics

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                                                  ~Alexander's POV~

I hug John even tighter, as tears of joy start rolling down my face. A light breezing hits me in the face, and I smile.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I'd be nothing without you." John admitted.

Wind blew petals off the trees, and they landed all around us.

I kiss John on the cheek, both of us, blushing.

"I bet you can't climb that tree over there." John dares.

He points to a small tree, but with large branches.

"You dare me?" I ask, laughing.

"Yeah." he answers.

I run over to the tree, and try and jump to the first branch, and I failed, and face-planted. We both laughed.

He ran up the base of the tree, and jumped almost straight on the branch, but just missed. Again, we laugh. I legitimately try and get on the branch, and I did. I sat on the branch like an owl. John did the same thing.

I lay my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me.

'John, stop being so cute.'

He takes my hand, right before I was gonna take his.

"Are you a mind reader?" I laugh.

"No." He giggled. 

We kiss.

"You're the best person I've ever met, John." I mumble.

"Same to you." he replies.

We talked until the sun started to fall.

"Should we head back?" John asked.

"Sure, but I wanna to come back tomorrow." I answer.

We jump down.

"Actually, one more thing." John insists, as he takes my hand. 

We head over to same cherry blossom tree from earlier. We kiss while petals fall on us. We watch the sunset, sitting against the cherry blossom tree. I put my arm around him. After the sun was out of sight in the horizon, we headed back. 

We make it back at around 9PM.

"Wanna watch a movie on my phone?" John asks.

"Sure, why not. It's not guaranteed that I'll stay awake though." I answer.

"I usually never stay awake either." John responds.

"There's also not enough room on the top nor bottom bunk for both of us." I point out.

"Than grab your blankets and pillows. We're gonna be on the floor." John laughs.

"Okay." I giggle. 

We lay blankets and pillows out across the floor.

"Pick a movie." John insists.

"How about you pick a movie?" I ask.

He taps a random one on the list. We both read the description of the movie.

"You fine with this?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it." I answer.

We lay down as he hits the button to have the movie start playing. I grew tired very quickly, but same did he. I would like to believe that we fell asleep at the same time.

'Loud sounds of the busy city. Taxis, guitars, talking, laughing. Tall buildings, street signs, flashing, neon bright colors, sidewalks, busy streets, shops, stadiums. Almost everything.

 I look to my right to see John, as he takes my hand.

"I love you." We say in harmony, on accident.'

an// this chapter took me 16 hours of stress, because I had a bunch of ideas, but I started hating them and I legit spent the ENTIRE day stressing, and thinking. Please leave ideas down in the comments!

also, for once it was Alex's POV

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