Chapter 2: Keeping The Childhood Lies Hidden

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                     an/ this will contain some shaming words, so you have been warned.                  

                                               ~Alexander's Mind by Narrator~

*Sudden Flashback*

~This takes place on the Caribbean island, where Alexander truly came from....~

"Rachel, you slut!" Somebody yelled.

"Rachel, you're such a whore, you can go kill yourself for all I care" Another person yelled.

Alex was in the middle of this, realizing that the village wasn't so nice, especially to his mother.

*Rachel picks up Alexander, and brings him into the house, Alexander about to cry*

You could tell by the look on Rachel's face that she was stressed, and mentally hurt.

This was after his father left.

A week after.

*Flashback ends, and back to Alexander's POV*

I put my elbows up on the desk and cover my face, holding back tears.

John gets up and walks over to me.

"Are you okay?" he asks, seeming concerned.

'Oh, I'm not okay because I just basically re-experienced my horrible childhood, and I don't wanna tell you that, because if I do, basically it will come back to me again, and I'll burst out in tears, and embarrass myself in front of you, so no, I'm not okay!"

"I'm fine." I replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." I answered.

"Okay, but if you need someone to listen to you, I'm here. I'm not here to judge you." John said.

I get started on my work, feeling even more stressed.

                                                          ~John's POV~

  'I don't think Alexander is okay. I understand he's stressed, but I feel like it's more than that. But what is it about? Is it about maybe a past relationship, or something to do with old friends, or his his family? The possibilities are endless. No matter what, I'm here if he needs to talk. I can tell Alexander is kind person, and I feel like he's gonna keep this stuff as a secret. Like it's locked in a box, and nobody but him has the key. I feel like he's not even gonna share a little bit of it. But, I can tell it's scarring.'

I look over to him again, to see some sort of scar on his arm. 

'I would ask about it, but I feel like I'd be invading his privacy. I just met him, and I don't want him to think that I'm all up on other people, wanting to know everything about them, but I'm just a bit curious how he got that scar.'

It started raining.

                                                      ~Alexander's POV~

'Rain. My worst fear. Great. Now I have to try to ignore it, and stay calm, so I don't embarrass myself in front of John. I start shaking at the thought of rain. Rain can lead to storms, and storms can lead to tornadoes and hurricanes.'  

*Sudden Flashback, Narrator's POV*

"Alex, it's gonna be alright. Just stay calm." Jacob, Alex's friend, screamed over the extremely fast winds.

At that moment, water came into the house, starting to drown the two weak teens. Alex made it out alive, but Jacob drowned.

Alex felt broken, and unable to be fixed when Jacob drowned. He was the only person that he could talk to in his life at that point. His father left, his mother died, his cousin committed suicide.

Alex went to the closest shelter, and cried until the hurricane had passed. 

He had lost all hope.

*Flashback ends, back to Alexander's POV*

I closed my eyes as tight as I could, and put my hands over my face. I calm myself down, and continue working.

John walked over to me again.

"Are you sure you're okay? I'm here if you need to talk, or let your emotions flow, and I'll do my best to understand." John assured.

I didn't answer.

"Alexander, please give me a response." John said, with full patience.

Again, I didn't answer.

"Okay, I'll take that as, 'Leave me alone'." John finally backed down.

"John, I'm sorry. I've just been a little 'off' today." I finally replied.

"Alex, I know something's wrong. Please just tell me." John muttered.

"Please don't call me Alex." I say in an instant.

"Oh, okay. Sorry." John sighed.

"It's fine, you didn't know. It's not because I dislike you or anything, just bad memories come from that nickname." I replied.

"Not trying to invade your privacy, but what kind of bad memories? I understand if you don't want to talk about it, I'm just a little curious." John asks in full respect.

'Alex, you knew the conversation would turn this way, you dumb idiot.'

"I'd rather not talk about it." I answered, trying not shake at the memories.

"I understand, but can you tell me what's wrong? I just wanna help, honestly." John asked.

"I'm fine, John." I answered.

I looked out the window and had the same flashback I had a few moments ago. I took a deep breath, and calmed myself down in a matter of seconds.

~Lams~ Love At First Glance || College AU *COMPLETED* *DO NOT READ*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant