Chapter 27: Wait, what?

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an// *IMPORTANT* One thing before I begin, I have permission from @theschuylerlams to reference their Camp Revolutionary fanfiction. I am not just stealing it, if you want proof, I'll put proof at the end of this chapter.

*Tuesday, 6:53PM, Dorm*

                                                              ~John's POV~

"John, do you wanna go to the dance later?"

"Uh, sure."

"What should we do to pass time until then?"

"I have no idea."

"Also, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I could be better though." 

I giggle a bit.

"Pfft, of course."

"It would've been worse than a concussion and broken arm if you didn't come back, just saying."

"If I was just there in the first place, you wouldn't of gotten injured at all."

"Well, you're okay and that's all I really care about." 

I get a text. I turn on my screen.

'Notifications (1)

Aaron Burr: Hey, remember me? Aaron Burr? From camp? If so, we're all going to meet up after the dance in dorm 209. Even Peggy is coming. Wanna come? If so, invite Alex.'

I start thinking for a moment.

'Even Peggy is coming? I can't wait! Wait, who was in our group? Umm, I think, Burr, Hercules, Lafayette, Eliza, Angelica, and Peggy. I feel like I'm missing someone. Oh wait, my first boyfriend. It's funny he had Alexander as his first name. Wait, I'm forgetting Catherine oh my god.'

I text back.

'John: Is Alexander (the one from camp, not Hamilton) coming?

Aaron: You're living with him.

John: Wait, what?

Aaron: Did you not realize this? I can barely breathe I'm laughing so much.'

'What? No, he must be wrong. Alex came from the Caribbean like two months ago, and he hasn't visited America before, well I don't think.'

"Hey Alex, did you come to America before for a summer camp?"

"No. Why?"

"Well, Aaron is texting me about the summer camp we went too, and he invited me to come hang out after the dance, and he wanted me to invite you."

"I'm just... confused."


I show him our conversation.

"This makes no sense."

"I'm just as confused as you Alex."

"Lemme text him about this."

                                                     ~Alexander's POV~

'Alex: Quel aigreur Aaron.

Aaron: What?

Alex: You've got John and I extremely confused.

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