Chapter 3: How Do You Know If They Love You Back?

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                                                            ~John's POV~

'I feel like, I have a crush on Alexander. But, I don't even know if he's gay, bisexual, or straight. Like, I'm gay as frick, but I don't know about him. Why do I have a crush on him? I don't know. I haven't even known him for an hour, but he's so.. cute. Does he think the same about me? Probably not. He probably finds me annoying.. But I don't blame him. Honestly, I just want to at least get in a decent conversation with him, just get to overall know him. What town he came from, what happened in his childhood, and some normal conversation. Honestly, if I even had him as a best friend, that would be enough.'

I look over at Alexander and he seems a bit freaked out. 

'It's the 4th time this has happened today, I'm honestly a bit concerned. He says 'he's fine' every time, but I can tell, he's not. He needs someone to talk to, and someone he can let his emotions flow to, and they'll understand, and I want to be that guy.'

                                                    ~Alexander's POV~

'Can it stop raining? I get freaked out every time I look outside, and I have to take a break. I can't waste time freaking out, because I have a bunch of work already.

*2 hours later*

'Finally, I finished. After for straight stress for two hours, I'm finally done.

"Hey, Alexander, do you wanna go do something?" John asked, as he observed I was finished.

"Not if it's still raining." I replied.

"Why?" John asked.

"Umm, I don't wanna talk about it." I say, shaking, suddenly very nervous.

"I respect that." John replies.

"Seriously, thank you." I said, feeling like a heavy weight has been lifted off my chest.

"I'm here if you ever need to talk to someone. Please don't forget that." John reassured. 

"Okay." I say, though I doubt I'll remember.

'I'm glad that John has no problem with me not wanting to talk about my past, and I'm just happy he accepts that. I'm glad I didn't get a roommate who's all into my business and legit doesn't respect my privacy. John is just.. really nice and open-minded. I might actually tell him about the past... but probably not. I might actually... like him, more as a crush.'


I close my eyes out of fear, as I start shaking, and getting instant flashbacks of the hurricane.

'Please, please just let this storm pass.'

I'm freaked out, and I don't know what to do.

John gets down from the top of the bunk bed, and he holds my shoulders, as he stands right in front of me.

"Alexander, it's okay." John says, though I'm basically spaced out, because of the flashbacks coming to my head, non-stop. He shakes my shoulders to get me out of the zoned out state.

"Alexander, you're alright." John reassures.

"I'm sorry, I'm just having a tough time at the moment." I reply.

John sits us both down on the bed.

"Please just tell me, what's going on. I'll try to help to the best of my abilities, and I'll help you get through it." John says.

"John, it's a long story, and I know you're not gonna wanna hear it. I don't want to talk about it anyways."I mutter.

"Alexander, we have a whole lot of time, and I need to know about this, so I can help you. I want to." John encouraged.

"John, I simply can't. I'm sorry." I replied.

"I understand." John said.

an// i wrote this from 12-4am okay. i need sleep. sorry for the short chapter.

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