Chapter 35: The Dreams Of The Night

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                                                       ~Alexander's POV~

an// almost all dialogue in this chapter is in a dream, but either way, it will all be in italics. Okay, enjoy the chapter.

Waves were crashing down from outside.

I was back in the shelter from that day when the hurricane had destroyed my town, and I already knew how this was going to end.

I look to my left to see John instead of the friend I had lost that day.

'So, I'm just going to have to watch John die? Wow, my lucky day, just watching my boyfriend get swept away, back into the house and drown.'

We held each other, near the back wall, until the water started flooding in. The water quickly filled up the floor, and it started rising very quickly.

We ran to attempt to get out the front door, and John pushed me out as he was pushed away by the strong current. I get up on the roof, that being my safest option, though the winds were incredibly strong.

Knowing there was no way he could survive brought back all the memories I never wanted to re-experience.

I got blown off the room for the over 100 mile per hour winds, but I was able to take the rest of my strength and get to a shelter on the highest hill.

I woke up in fear, shaking uncontrollably.

'Why did I just have another flashback? I haven't had one in more than two months.'

After I calm down, I attempt to go back to sleep.

                                                    ~John's POV~

I'm on the phone with my younger sister, but she's whispering for a reason I don't yet know.


I suddenly start shaking, knowing that was a gunshot, and she was hiding somewhere.

"Stop talking to me, and stay quiet."

As soon as I say that, I hear a door open, another gunshot, and a scream.

The call dropped.

                                                       ~Alexander's POV~

"John, are you okay?"

I could tell that he woke up.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I guess."

I was still shaking.

"Um.. would you mind maybe sleeping down here tonight?"

"N-no, I wouldn't mind."

He climbs down the ladder, and lays down next to me.

"So, um, why are you awake?"


"Well, I'm gonna go to sleep, goodnight Alex."

"Goodnight, John."

an// wOW 2 CHAPTERS 1 DAY THAT'S A NEW RECORD FOR ME i mean at least for when i first started when i wrote 6 chapters in 24 hours


exact time: 11:47PM EST

what time is it for you?

okay new chapter up soon, maybe tomorrow?

k thx for reading this shitty and short chapter

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