Chapter 5: I Found My Whole World

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                                                      ~Alexander's POV~

'I'm glad I have John. Honestly, my emotions feel a little stronger for him. I'm also glad he doesn't feel awkward when I take his hand. Also, I don't know if he's gay, bisexual, straight, etc.'

John blushed a little bit, as I did too.

"Umm, so how are you doing?" I ask, feeling like it's a bit of an awkward question.

"Good, you?" John replies.

"Great." I said, with a smile on my face.

There was an awkward silence. 

'Great Alex, you made it awkward.'

"So, what's your sexuality? Like Gay, Bisexual, Straight, other?" John asks.

"Bisexual." I reply.

"I'm gay as frick." John laughed, as I joined in.

'I think I found my whole world, in one person. He has the cutest laugh, and he's just a bit taller than me. He's a kind, open-minded person and you can go to him for anything. He seems trust-worthy, and chill guy. He has sympathy for others, and I like that about him. He understands me, and he doesn't judge anyone. He's also super cute. I really think I just found all I want in 1 person.'

"Wanna go somewhere now?" John asked.

"Sure." I answered.

We walk out of our dorm, having no clue where to go.

"Where do you you wanna go?" John asked.

"Wait, is it still raining?" I asked.


"Well, that answer's my question." I say. We burst out in laughter, and head back to the dorm.

                                                   ~John's POV~

'I feel like I've found someone I want to be with. I really have a crush on Alex. A very strong crush, and I feel like this is gonna make our friendship a bit awkward, unless he feels the same about me. Like, he did grab my hand earlier, but that might not mean he has a crush on me, maybe he just needed a bit of extra comfort. Honestly, he's gonna be my whole world. Just the thought of that makes me blush a bit. We also haven't even decided who's gonna have the top bunk.'

"Hey Alexander, who's gonna have the top bunk?" I ask.

"I think you should take it." Alex answered.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." Alexander replied.


Alexander is freaked out, like normal.

"Do you just want me to stay by your side tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, I would appreciate it." Alexander replied, shaking, probably from the thunder, but it could be because of the option.

We sit down on the bottom bunk, right next to each other. 

*Thunder and Lightning*

Alexander gets a bit closer, and takes my hand.

He fell asleep at about 10PM, and his head lay on my lap. I don't want to disturb him, so I try going to sleep too.

an// this is gonna be the shortest chapter probably. I started running out of ideas so, yeah.

i also pictured them with flower crowns on for some reason o.o

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