Chapter 48: Love is Love

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                                                            ~John's POV~

I walk back to the dorm, but Herc was right outside the door, and he seemed like he was waiting for me.

"What do you want?" (an// john talking)

"What the hell dude?"

"Sorry, I'm not in the best of moods. I don't wanna explain, I just want to have some fun with Alex."

"And you're dating him again. Laf and I found out awhile ago."

'Dang it.'

"This is the reason why I stopped talking to you guys. Also, why didn't you tell me that he was the same person I dated back in camp?"

"We thought it was funny you didn't know."

"Well, I guess everyone in the squad thought it was funny. I didn't."

"But explain why you stopped talking to us."

"Didn't I already explain that one time early September?"

"We were confused."

"You guys always are into my business. My relationships, what I'm doing, and you don't back off. Do you remember him?"


I sighed.

"Yes. Isn't that a good example?"


2 years earlier.

Third Person View

John was dating this guy named Tony just to keep him distracted from depression and anxiety and suicide. He never really loved him, and the relationship wasn't real unlike his and Alex's. This was just fake. John still missed Alex. He still had no idea what happened and he was still puzzled.

One day, Laf and Herc confronted Tony and told him the truth behind John's back.

They broke up through text messages.

                                                         ~John's POV~

Present Day Once Again

"You didn't love him though."

"I know I didn't, but I was able to stay on my feet because of him. Everything came crashing down after he left. You know I became suicidal, and you were just there just watching this all occur. You did nothing to help me. You didn't have to, but I would've appreciated if there was someone I could talk to during that time."

I unlock the door to my dorm, and head in as soon as I could, slamming the door and locking it behind me.

I still heard Herc's voice outside the door.

"You can leave me alone, I'm not gonna attempt suicide or anything like that."

After that, I didn't hear another voice outside the door.

                                                        ~Alexander's POV~

I walk into the dorm room, and here John's beautiful singing coming from the bathroom.

'I've never heard him singing before, and I think I found an angel.'

I continue on, and grab my laptop, typing away without a care in the world, casually listening to John's voice.

*3 minutes later*

John walked out of the bathroom, as soon as he saw me, his face changed to embarrassment.

"D-Did you hear me?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"How long ago did you come in?"

"Like 5 minutes ago."

                                                        ~John's POV~

'Oh god, oh god. I probably haven't been this embarrassed in years.'

"I guess I didn't hear the door open."

"I'm not sure if I heard you, pretty sure I heard an angel."

"You definitely didn't."

I knew I was blushing.

"John, your voice is just.. I don't know how to put it into words."


"The opposite. I never can explain how amazing you are."



the animatic: Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down) by Szin

okay back to the fanfic

"Pfft, I'm not amazing."

"In my eyes, you are."

Without realizing, my feeling of embarrassment slipped away.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?"

I hugged him.

an// hi this took me too long

i've been super busy and wednesdays i can't even work on this because i don't get home until super late

(says the one who's working on this on wednesday)

okay, thanks for reading and 3.9k views!!

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