Chapter 42: An Internet Sensation

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                                                                ~John's POV~

After the the funeral, I had a few hours before I had to be at the train station, and I wanted to get something for Alex.

"Hey Mary, do you know a good store for like small gifts?"

"Yeah, there's one down the street."


I walk into the shop and see a wall of keys and locks with names on them.

'The thing is, are both of our names on them?'

I spent 3 minutes checking the wall.


'Okay, great. Now I gotta find my name.'

I spent another minute checking the wall.



I take the key with my name on it, and I look through the locks.

The first one I look at was


I take it off the wall, and also grab 2 chains as I walk up and pay for the 4 items.

'I hope he likes this.'

I went back to the house, grabbed my stuff, told my family 'Goodbye' and left for the train station to go back.


I decided to text Alex, because the train station was boring, and pretty small. There was also nobody there.

John: Hey, are you there?

Sent 12:36PM

He didn't respond until 5 minutes later.

Alex: Yeah, I'm here, sorry, I just got out of class.

John: Can you call? I'm really bored in the train station.

Alex: Yeah.

Call from Alex

"Hey Alex."


"You doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?

**an// *warning*, fourth wall is gonna be broken soon, take cover**

"I'm doing fine, just bored."

"Um, John?"


"You know like 3 days ago when you spoke in front of campus?"

"Yeah?! What about it?"

"Someone recorded it, and put it online."

an// fourth wall gonna die in 3



"Pfft, I'm no Evan Hansen."

"I'm serious, quite a lot of people are sharing it."

"Gimme a second, lemme get my laptop."

I grab my laptop out of my bag, and check my social medias.

"You're right, oh god."

"Well, this is cool, I guess."

We continued talking, until the train arrived.

"I'll see you later, the train arrived."

"Alright, I can't wait to see you again."

"Love you."

"Love you too."



*Time Skip Brought To You by Be More Chill*

'I can't believe this is actually going viral all over the internet. Like I'm not Evan Hansen, thank you very much.'


The train slowly started coming to a stop, and the doors opened. 

I walked out, excited to see Alex again in around 15 minutes.

'It feels good to be back here again.'

I practically ran back to campus, and up the stairs.

Room 204, Third floor.

I open the door, a bit slower than normal.


Alex ran over, and hugged me.

'It's good to be back.'

"I love you so much."

We fell into a slow, gentle kiss.

an// why am i writing this at the exact time it occurs like their time is 1:12am and right now while i'm writing this, it's 1:12am okay but damn honey


'I wish this moment could last for forever.' (an//  think, for forever ;) )

I finally broke off.

"One thing." (an// john talking)


I pull the lock and key out of my bag.

On the train ride, I put them on the chains.

I handed the lock to Alex.

"Th-thank you."

He put it around his neck, and I put the key around mine.

"Alright, I'm exhausted." (an// john talking maNINE m9)

"Yeah, I'm gonna go to bed."

"Good night."

"Good night."

an// me talking to myself because i'm exhausted

yeah i feel dead af

i'm gonna go be a normal person and sleep, bye

thanks for reading

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