✿❱ Group Chat (11 Years of Fairy Tail ♡)

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(I'm back~!) In honor of 11 years of Fairy Tail, I present to you, the largest and most diverse group chat I can offer in Fairy Tail Texts history so far~! (Lots of important news and updates in the Author's note at the end, please read after finishing the chapter! ^.^)


☆ In This Chat -
Natsu, Erza, Happy, Gray, Lucy, Mirajane, Juvia, Laxus, Elfman, Carla, Wendy, Levy, Gajeel, Jellal, Ichiya, Romeo, Macao, Sting, Rogue and Cana.


Mirajane: Hey everyone! I created a group chat so we can all talk together!

———————— User Erza is Online ————————

Erza: Oh my Mavis. Did you seriously just...

Mirajane: Isn't this going to be fun? ^.^

Erza: If by 'fun' you mean a complete disaster waiting to happen, then yes.

Mirajane: Funkiller...

———————— Happy is Online ————————

Happy: Where's the funkiller? Kill it with fire!

Erza: Happy, calm down! Why so violent?

Happy: IS IT YOU

Mirajane: She's trying to take down this amazing group chat empire I have bestowed upon the people of Fiore. >.>


———————— Users Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel are Online ————————

Gajeel: What even is this group chat for? I swear if I get spammed with too many notifications all day, I'm out.

Gray: How many people did you even add, Mira?

Mirajane: Maybe like, twenty or so...


Gajeel: TWENTY?!?

Natsu: Twenty? That's like five more than seven!

Erza: Natsu, oh my Mavis, what are we going to do with you?

Natsu: Am I really that good at marth?

Gray: Wtf Natsu, it's "math," not "marth."

Gray: And you suck at it.

Mira: Gray! 'Wtf' is an inappropriate term!

Gray: Calm down, I meant "what the fiore." What were you thinking?

Mira: Nothing >->

———————— User Levy is online ————————

Levy: Did someone say something about Marth?!

Natsu: Yeah, I did! Do you need some help with it? I've been told I'm great at it.

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