✿❱ Group Chat: Truth or Dare? {Feat. Author-Chan!}

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Thank you all so much for 600k! : )

{Warning: Very long chapter. XD}

{Don't even ask about the header image idek anymore}

{If the whole thing does not load and you do not see an author's note at the bottom, reload the page.}

Author-Chan: Hello fellow humans! Why don't we play Truth or dare to celebrate 600k reads?

Natsu: Truth or dare? Seriously Sky?

Author-Chan: Yeah...seriously.

Erza: That actually sounds like a good idea! Doing fun things for our readers is always a good thing, right Natsu...?

Natsu: Yeah yeah...appreciation...gratitude...blah blah blah...

-------------User Happy is now online-------------

Happy: Truth or dare? I'm in!

Lucy: Me too!

Gray: I guess I'm in too...but I'm not taking truths.

Author-Chan: But that defeats the purpose of the game! Baka... -.-

Gray: Fine... -_-

Natsu: Let's get started! I'm all fired up!

Erza: You're always fired up, flamebrain...

Happy: It's true...

Natsu: . . .

Author-Chan: Let's get staaaaaaaarted!

Gray: Whatever.

Erza: Gray... >:(

Happy: Aye! I wanna start!

Lucy: Well...what are you waiting for? A personal invitation? Just start then! Dumb cat...

Happy: Okay. Sky, truth or dare?

Author-Chan: Yay! Um... Truth!

Erza: She picked truth! Such a brave child...

Author-Chan: Thanks for the comment...Erza...

Happy: Okay! Here is your question. Do. You. Like...

Author-Chan: Please say pasta... please say pasta...

Happy: NATSU

Natsu: What?!?

Author-Chan: Pph, that one's easy!

Happy: So, tell us!

Lucy: We're not getting any younger over here...

Author-Chan: I do not like Natsu.

Erza: She's lying!

Author-Chan: I am not!

Erza: I know when you're lying.

Happy: Oooooooh... She LOVES him...

Author-Chan: I JUST SAID I DIDN'T *^*

Lucy: I think that she's actually telling the truth...

Author-Chan: Yeah! Luce's right! If you're not gonna listen to me, at least listen to her!


Gray: Look, guys, no offense, but I'm pretty sure that all of this is gonna turn into a huge argument.

Author-Chan: No it won't!

Natsu: I hate to admit it, but I think Freezerburn over here is right for once.

Happy: NEXT ROUND! You're turn Sky!

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