✿❱ Sasha and Erza (Crossover!!!)

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*I know most of you guys know who Sasha is...but if you don't, she is from the anime Attack on Titan*

Erza: Hello. Who is this?

Sasha: This is Sasha!

Erza: I have never heard of you..."Sasha"

Sasha: Well now you have!

Erza: Are you sassing me?

Sasha: ...

Erza: Anyway, what realm are you from? I've never heard of any people named "Sasha" around here!

Sasha: Um...I'm from Shiganshina...

Erza: Where in the name of Strawberry Cake is that place?

Sasha: ...Cake? What's cake?

Erza: O.O You don't know what cake is?!? Cake is the best food on the planet!

Sasha: Well, no...I've been in the military almost my whole life...so I've only really eaten bread, meat, and POTATOES. Potatoes are my life...

Erza: Eww, potatoes? Are you kidding me? Potatoes are disgusting!

Sasha: >:( Excuse me?!?

Erza: You heard me!

Sasha: Maybe I'll never taste this precious "Cake" of yours if you make one more rude comment about my potatoes!

Erza: Fine, strange human! Don't try cake! You haven't LIVED until you've at least tried a slice of vanilla cake with a strawberry on top!

Sasha: Like I care! Potatoes and bread is all I need!

Erza: You disgust me...potatoes are such commoner food...

Sasha: Well, cake is probably mere peasant food!

Erza: Pph, cake is the food of kings, the food of gods!

Sasha: I refuse to talk to a person who doesn't like potatoes. Now, if you don't mind, I will be eating a potato if you don't mind...

Erza: Oh, I mind all right...go and eat your filthy potato in the corner!

Sasha: Fine, I will, and maybe you should eat your so called "food of kings" in your corner in your nice big "luxury castle"!

Erza: Maybe I will!

Sasha: Bai Felicia!

----------------Users Erza and Sasha have gone offline----------------

And now...poetry. By Author-Chan.

Jean is a Horseface

Sasha is a Potato

Levi is Laundry Detergent

And Connie....is an Onion.


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