Perv Realizes I'm A Dude When It's Too Late

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About 12 years ago when I was 22 I worked at a video store. It was a few days before Halloween and my manager asked me if I would work it since everyone else wanted off. So, me being the good employee I am, I said yes and asked if I could dress up. She agreed and said I could dress up as whatever I wanted. "Can I dress up as a chick?" I was just joking actually until she told me I didn't have the hair on my nuts to. Challenge accepted.

I went out shopping and bought a wig, dress, and some make up and I borrowed a bra from my current crazy gf at the time (A story for another time). I did my make up the way I saw my gf do and proceeded to walk to work.

Now I only lived about a half mile from the store and since I lived within walking distance to everything, I didn't see the need for a car at the time. So I started walking. I had to cross the street, walk across a bridge, cut through an abandoned parking lot an through an alley and I was there. It was dark outside, but I've never had anybody bother me while I was ever out for a nightly walk until this night.

About halfway across the bridge I look up and see man in his late 20's, maybe early 30's walking towards me. As I get a little closer, I realize the fucker is checking me out. I giggle a little bit and laugh at the thought that I must make a pretty hot chick. I walk past him and continue on my way.

As I walk and continue to let my mind wander in lala land, I get through the parking lot and start down the alley when I hear someone say "Hey sexy girl" and I feel my ass get slapped. Not like a love tap, but full blown painful ass slap. The kind that leaves red marks. "WHAT THE FUCK???" I yell as I turn around and confront this asshole and realize it was the punk I passed on the bridge.

"Oh shit. Man...I...I...I...Sorry." He was obviously caught off guard. Looking back on it now I can't stop laughing as type this, but at the time I was beyond livid. I grabbed him by the cuff of his shirt and shoved him on the ground. I moved in to kick him a few times, but he was pretty quick to get on his feet and run away. He took off the way we came repeatedly yelling "Shit shit shit shit shit shit".

I stood there just stunned for another minute thinking to myself "What in the hell just happened?"

I went into work and as soon as my manager saw me she started laughing. "I didn't think you were actually gonna do it". Of course, she laughed even harder when I told her when I told her how I was almost sexually assaulted.

So perv dude, for your sake, let's not meet.

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