Creep At Sam Houston

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So I live in Louisiana. I stay with my mom sometimes at this park she work-camps at to take care of my little sister, and its a pretty nice place. A few days ago I walk my ass to the swings, because I love the swings. Who doesnt love the swings.

Now the swings are on a stretch of land between a road and a river, and on the side of the road closest to the stretch of land is parking spaces that go on for a good hundred yards. An hour into my swing time, this white van pulls in to a space a bit left of where im facing. Really douchey hipster type walks out, and I dont pay much attention to him, he walks to the stretch of land right of me.

I dont know how much time passed before i saw him again, but eventually he was walking slowly back towards his van, and this time I decide to look at him. He's messing on his phone with one hand, and with the other hes fucking masturbating. In a public park. I'm staring at this douchebag for a minute and a half and then he notices and stares me straight in the eyes, still jerkin, and all i can say is "Really?" He then smirks and then, STILL jerkin, walks to his van and drives away. I couldnt even move for ten minutes because of this smug asshole's utter confidence in committing (what ive learned to be) sexual assault.

Yes, I did call the cops

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