He Was Crouching Over My Bed While Wearing My Clothes

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I think it's worth mentioning that while this story takes place in a Southeast Asian city with a population of a little over 1.5 million, I didn't always live here. I was born and raised in a small town in the Midwestern United States. You know, the kind where everyone knows everyone and we only gain attention during an election year. Anyway, my parents and I made the big move in 2014 due to a number of reasons, the biggest one being so my mother could be with her family since this is her homeland. However, the town where all my relatives live is about eight hours away. We had to move to our city because it's the safest in the region for foreigners and my dad is a pretty obvious white man.

Now, unlike every other college student in the world, I hadn't done much this summer. The heat was blistering all hours of the day and I didn't have money to spend even if I was willing to leave our air-conditioned apartment. The only thing enticing me to the outdoors were the incessant sounds of construction due to a new unit being added to our complex.

However, leaving was obviously inevitable, so toward the end of the month, my parents and I went to buy groceries. The next day, my mom and I went to buy some things we had initially forgotten, and the day after that, the two of us went out again to pay some bills. That made three consecutive days of going out for the first time in literally a month. To say I was exhausted was an understatement. By 7pm on the third night, I was already fast asleep on the living room couch. My mom woke up around 10 that same night and told me to head up to my room. I was too tired to do my entire night routine, so I quickly brushed my teeth and went upstairs.

I noticed that my cat was already asleep in my bed, which happens once in a blue moon since he's basically my mom's shadow, so I got into bed while contorting myself at an angle that wouldn't disturb him. Cat lovers, you know what I'm talking about. I turned on a dim light, plugged in my phone, and started playing a random YouTube video then eventually fell asleep.

I didn't know what time it was, but I awoke to the feeling of my bed shaking. I tend to ignore movements like this because they happen often when my cat sleeps with me, as he has a habit of scratching his ear. But there was a pretty strong earthquake just the night before so I assumed it was another one, making me open my eyes and look down at my cat to see which of the two it was. Indeed, he was scratching his ear. Oh, and there was my mom at the foot of my bed. Nothing out of the ordinary. She was probably checking on me before her and my dad went out for their 5am walk, as routine, and was bending down to pet the cat. I closed my eyes and was just about to slip back into slumber when my half-asleep brain realized that a number of other things were indeed out of the ordinary.

With eyes that were barely open, I looked at "my mom" with blurred vision. The first thing I noticed was that she was wearing one of my high school T-shirts. My mom and I are far from the same size and she doesn't have a history of borrowing my clothes. Weird, but not unsettling. Maybe she ran out of clean exercise shirts and decided to use one of my mine. I then noticed that she was also wearing another one of my high school T-shirts, but this one was wrapped around her head in a weird way that outlined the shape of it, not covering anything, but just framing the profile.

In my peripheral, I noticed that my closet doors were wide open. My mom always nagged me to close them because she said it wasted the cool air coming from the air conditioner, so I made sure to keep them closed whenever I wasn't getting ready. Another random realization hit me when my brain finally registered the fact that while my mom does pet my cat when she comes in to check on me, she's never bent down like the person in my room was doing. Looking back now, I don't think I've seen her bend like that since I was a kid.

Keep in mind, all these thoughts flooded my mind in about five seconds. Still, my half-asleep and half-stupid-as-fuck brain was more focused on why my mom was wearing my clothes as opposed to all the things that were off in this situation. I sat up a bit and squinted my eyes so I could read the shirt since there was writing on the back that would help me distinguish if it was actually mine and not just one that looked like mine. That's when the person turned to look right at me before running out of my room, maintaining an ungodly crouching position that will be burned in my mind for the rest of my life.

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